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Motani先生的观点要更冷酷一些。Mr Motani takes a more draconian view.

而日本国内的审查更为严厉。In Japan, the censorship was more draconian.

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金山词霸译为“大幅度的削减预算”。The mayor announced draconian budget cuts today.

你是说有一整群龙人军队聚集的地方么?You mean where the entire draconian army is gathering?

与其他国家的反盗版法比起来,停止网络盗版法案其实很严酷。Compared with other countries' anti-piracy laws, SOPA is indeed draconian.

然而,对被告的量刑可能相当严厉,即使是未涉及暴力犯罪的初犯。However, sentences, even for nonviolent first-time offenders, can be Draconian.

看看版权违反如何证明同样的回应是正当的,是很难的。It’s hard to see how copyright infringement warrants the same draconian response.

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政府的回应与恶法,以保护知识产权。The government has responded with draconian laws to protect intellectual property.

无论如何,为了实施那些福利计划,各国只有征收越来越多的苛捐杂税。And in order to do this they have been resorting to more and more Draconian taxation.

中国的一个子女政策似乎是很严厉的,但也是必需的,并且是有先见之明的提议。China's one child policy seems draconian but it was a necessary and foresighted move.

该法官在其裁定中,干巴巴地注明“法庭承认这是个严酷的结果。”In his ruling, the judge drily noted, “The Court recognises this is a draconian result.

普通人如果误入这些专用车道,将面临严厉的罚款。Ordinary folk who inadvertently stray into the reserved lanes will face draconian fines.

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他们的想法,严厉的牺牲是为了钱,他们同去年一样,他说。Their idea of a Draconian sacrifice is to make the same money they did last year, he said.

但一定程度上讲,霍布斯关于法律的学说,比早期的法律要宽容得多。But Hobbes' teaching about law is, in some ways, less Draconian than it might first appear.

但是中国就是一个苛刻的国家,出台压迫性法律是分分钟的事情。Then again, China is a draconian country where new oppressive laws can be created within minutes.

而实行恶法的地方,法律是限制自由的行恶的工具了。And the implementation of the draconian law, the law is to restrict the freedom of evil to the tool.

“我们不相信人们需要完成这么残酷的训练量才能起到训练的作用。”摩尔说道。" We don't believe you need to do this Draconian amount of training for it to do good, " says Moore.

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你是说索尼埃把教会称作瘸腿的圣徒和严酷的魔王?Fache's eyes hardened. "You think Saunière is calling the Church a lame saint and a Draconian devil?"

但人们对于研究的效度以及是否能够严格遵循那么苛刻的食谱尚存有异议。But question are raised about the validity of the research and the ability to follow a draconian diet.

这是一项严厉的措施,并同时实行宵禁,因此这项禁令使街头巷尾宁静了许多。It's a Draconian measure, but along with curfews, the injunction has quieted the streets considerably.