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白左黑右,白善易,黑狞恶,各手执槊钺。White, black BaiShan left right is easy, black Ning evil, each holding up slimming tomahawk.

在新的31级的船体上有12个可以垂直发射战斧巡弋飞弹的管道。The last 31 hulls of the class have 12 vertical launch tubes for the Tomahawk cruise missile.

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奥巴马讲话时,美国军舰和潜艇发射的战斧式巡航导弹正在打击利比亚军事目标。Speaking as ship and submarine-fired Tomahawk cruise missiles hit Libyan military targets, Mr.

周六,美国海军驱逐舰巴里从地中海发射战斧导弹。The United States Navy destroyer Barry fired Tomahawk missiles from the Mediterranean Sea on Saturday.

英国表示,它再次推出作为对利比亚防空部队进行协调的罢工战斧导弹。The UK said it again launched Tomahawk missiles as part of a co-ordinated strike on Libyan air defences.

大凡知道他品性的人,见他选好位置,拿稳战斧,知道俘虏这下可是凶多吉少。Those who knew his character thought the captive in imminent danger when he took his stand and poised the tomahawk.

对于那些由北京主导的,说什么战斧巡航导弹对中国的三重杀招纯属巧合的言论,美国官方正式予以否认。U.S. officials deny that any message is being directed at Beijing, saying the Tomahawk triple play was a coincidence.

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大凡知道他品性的人,见他选好位置,拿稳战斧,知道俘虏这下可是凶多吉少。Those who knew His character, thought the captive in imminent danger, when he took His stand, and poised the tomahawk.

他们堪称史上最高超的匕首高手,也擅长使用战斧和投掷斧头。They were also the greatest knife fighters the world has ever seen, and were pretty good with the tomahawk and throwing ax.

这家位于堪萨斯州肖尼市的酒店提供一个室内游泳池和按摩浴池以及配备免费无线网络连接和有线电视的客房。Located one mile from Shawnee Mission Park and Tomahawk Hills Golf Course, this Kansas hotel features an indoor pool and jacuzzi.

然后武器装备,武器装备有“战斧”巡航导弹,自从利比亚战事开始以后,大家对“战斧”很熟悉。Then weapons, weapons equipped with "Tomahawk" cruise missiles, since the Libyan war began, everyone on the "Tomahawk" very familiar.

而是每艘潜艇改用154枚战斧巡航导弹,可以用非核弹头攻击1000英里以内的任何目标。Instead, they hold up to 154 Tomahawk cruise missiles each, capable of hitting anything within 1, 000 miles with non-nuclear warheads.

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本文介绍了“战斧”巡航导弹采用的数字式景象匹配区域相关器的组成和工作原理。This paper introduces principle and composition of a digital scene matching area correlator which is used in the Tomahawk cruise missile.

利比亚的内政就是当战斧导弹来了,将卡扎菲和妇孺百姓绑在一起。The internal politics of Libya is about tying Gaddafi together with the women, children and ordinary folks when the Tomahawk missile arrives.

六名飞虎队员,包括约翰·布莱克本于1942年2月末在缅甸仰光,在他们曾驾驶的一架P-40战鹰号战斗机前的合影。Six Flying Tigers, including John Blackburn are seen standing in front of one of their P-40 Tomahawk fighters in Rangoon, Burma in late February 1942.

同时,美国周六时从地中海布置的军舰上向利比亚空防发射了首枚战斧巡航导弹。Meanwhile, the United States on Saturday launched the first Tomahawk missile attacks against the Libyan air defense from warships deployed in the Mediterranean.

晚上,空袭继续,美国发射了数百枚战斧导弹,清理了停在班加西城外的装甲部队。That night, the air strikes continued, as the U.S. military launched more than a hundred Tomahawk missiles, wiping out the armored column poised on Benghazi’s outskirts.

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据悉,在今后的演习中,伊朗军方还将检测各种防空导弹技术,特别是针对美国“战斧”巡航导弹。It is reported that, in future exercises, the Iranian military will test a variety of air defense missile technology, especially against the U. S. "Tomahawk" cruise missiles.

美英再向利比亚发射12枚「战斧」巡航导弹,并竭力将禁飞区向第二大城市班加西以南,及以西方向推进。Libya again fired 12 United States and Britain, "Tomahawk" cruise missiles, and strive to be the second largest city, Benghazi no-fly zone south and west of the direction of advance.

利比亚超过20个海岸目标被法国军用飞机袭击,英美战舰及潜艇发射的战斧式巡洋导弹袭击。利比亚军方称。More than 20 coastal targets in Libya were attacked by French warplanes and Tomahawk cruise missiles fired from US and British warships and submarines, Libyan military authorities said.