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一青年,见识短浅亦无知蒙昧,恰得一剑。A young man, callow and foolish in innocence, came to own a sword.

巴克莱的Callow称,这一点在当前的金融危机中也显而易见.Barclay's Callow said this was visible during the current financial crisis.

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他竟然两次败在乳臭未干的小子手下,大力士的名声从此一落千丈。More a callow guy suddenly fall in the street so that we keep returning double.

在反对者眼中,肯尼迪并非一个真正的王者,只是一个初涉政坛的新人、一个天主教徒、一个据说是无赖的儿子。To his detractors, Kennedy was a pretender to the throne, callow and Catholic, the son of a supposed crook.

中国对欧出口增长最快的领域是机电设备,卡洛补充说道。The fastest growth in Chinese exports to Europe had been in mechanical and electrical machinery, Mr Callow added.

鹧鸪的幼雏不像其余的幼雏那样不长羽毛,比起小鸡来,它们羽毛更快地丰满起来,而且更加早熟。They are not callow like the young of most birds, but more perfectly developed and precocious even than chickens.

当卡佩罗接手球队后,年轻的右边卫迈克尔。理查兹被清除出了球队,他的稚嫩并不合卡佩罗的口味。Micah Richards was immediately axed when Capello took over as proof that there was no room for callow right-backs in his regime.

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撒旦将一只瓶子揣进口袋,拖着双脚走向车子。往里一瞄,发现驾车的是个愣头小伙子。“你去哪?”他问。Satan pocketed a bottle and shuffled toward the car. Peeking inside, he saw a callow young man at the wheel. "Where you headed?" he said.

我们听说过多少乳臭未干的年轻人落入头生黄发,脸抹脂粉的女冒险家之手因而断送了生命的故事。How often have callow youths been known to ruin their lives by falling into the clutches of an adventuress with yellow hair and painted cheeks.

一个乳臭未干的年轻花花公子爱上一个道德成问题的美人并追她到天涯海角,一路散尽家财、抛弃良心和自尊。A callow young toff falls for a beauty of shaky morals and follows her to the end of the world, shedding fortune, scruples and self-respect along the way.

他们对这位年轻人十分地敬重,因为从他刚开始的未经世事、一点雄心壮志都没有的人,逐渐茁壮成一位认真的青年才俊,不仅专注地埋首于书堆里,更对父亲十分地孝敬。They watched in awe as Revere, at first a callow and unambitious youth, began to develop into a serious young man dedicated to books and devoted to his father.

无论如何,披头士的观点有时仍显稚嫩,他们代表了一股振奋人心力量,对权势质疑,蔑视保守和伪善。In any case, callow as their ideas sometimes are, the Beatles exemplify a refreshing distrust of authority, disdain for conventions and impatience with hypocrisy.

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新兴市场形势完全不同.中国、印度以及一系列新兴国家已纷纷采取行动抑制物价上涨,Callow预计会有更多举措出台.Emerging markets are in a very different situation. China, India and a host of others have taken steps to try to keep prices in check and Callow expects more to come.