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军方对拟像也显示出强烈的兴趣。The military is keen on simulacra as well.

在拟像的平行世界里,它们就是现实。In the parallel world of the simulacra , they were real.

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但是,要是试图让这些虚假的东西看起来像真人一样,人们对此大都会感到诡异。Simulacra that are intended to look like real people, though, are frequently perceived as creepy.

尽管对电脑屏幕而言它是一个进步,但电子阅读器在图书成像上仍显粗糙。Though they are an improvement on a computer screen, e-book readers remain crude simulacra of books.

拟像理论作为“后现代主义”思想的中坚力量,成为博德里亚为后现代社会设定的一个坐标体系。Simulacra theory is the most famous theory of Jean Baudrillard's theory, and became the mark of his thoughts.

其拟像一建好,波音便把超过100名的工程师和员工送到拟像飞机里对其进行评估。Once built as a simulacra , Boeing sent more than 100 of its engineers and staff inside the simulated aircraft to evaluate it.

第三部分论证了视觉门类艺术作品世界中超真实与超绘画拟像的历时性异质循环。The third part deals with the diachronical heterogeneous cycle of the simulacra of both surreality and hyperpainting in the category of visual arts.

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创造我们自己的拟像,这到底是在用一种真正的恭奉来完成耶和华的创世呢,还是用一种最愚蠢的狂妄自大开启了人类自己灭亡的结局?Will creating our own simulacra complete Yahweh 's genesis in an act of true flattery?Or does it commence mankind's demise in the most foolish audacity?

批评者指责迪士尼乐园无非是一个精心构建的排除了现实中不愉快因素的模拟的资本主义幻想世界。Critics charge that Disney's parks are nothing more than simulacra of reality, carefully constructed capitalist fantasylands that shut out unpleasant realities.

通过质询我们用于向自己表明我们是谁以及我们对大自然的表现和模仿的符号,马永峰的作品着眼于后现代的现状。Ma Yongfeng's work engages the condition of postmodernity by interrogating the signs we use to represent who we are to ourselves as well as our simulacra of nature.

他腾空了笼子,将建造这些低劣空间、这些自然栖息地的拙劣仿制品的那双看不见的手摆在突出的位置上——其实那是我们自己的双手。This artistic fiat that has emptied the cages, foregrounds the invisible hands that have built these miserable spaces, these shabby simulacra of habitats—they are our hands.

我终于能够召唤出一头小绿龙形式的幻象生命了,但这似乎只是一个巧合,没有人能够重现它。I was finally able to summon a simulacra of life in the form of a small green dragon, but it initially appeared as though this was merely a fluke, as no other wielder could replicate the effect.

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在符码主宰的彻底的表征危机之下,那些通常被认为是完全真实的东西都将带上超现时主义的拟象特征,真实实在会完全消失在影像和符号的迷雾之中。In the token crisis dominated by sighs, the things which are generally thought to be completely true are tinged with the characteristics of simulacra and the reality disappears in images and signs.