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那是一件很脏的夹克。That is a really grungy jacket.

把你那双又脏又臭的脚从桌子上放下来!Get your grungy feet off the table!

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低劣的生锈金属波纹纹理。Grungy Rusted Corrugated Metal Texture.

又脏又臭的人不准到戴维家!Grungy people are not allowed in Dave's house!

他通常使用邋遢风格的纹理背景和清楚无误的版式。His uses of grungy textured backgrounds and typography are unmistakable.

沿着脏乱的陋巷,当地居民正在临时搭建的厨房里吃午饭。The locals are eating lunch in makeshift kitchens down grungy back alleys.

在这等教程,我们将创建一个蹩脚生锈碳纤维的文字效果。In this Etc Tutorial we will be creating a grungy rusted carbon fiber text effect.

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想想这里的场面吧,喧嚣的重金属音乐、低劣的地下室设备、脏兮兮高仰着头的野蛮孩子们。Think pounding music, grungy basement setting, and unwashed gothy children throwing them back.

我们完成了这个设计,3d风格,污渍喷溅和材质的细节。There we have the finished design, complete with 3D type, grungy splatters and detailed textures.

其次,他穿着邋遢宽松的衣服,而这和大多死者所穿的套装很不相符。Secondly, he was wearing baggy, grungy clothes unlike the suits the rest of the deceased were wearing.

在这等教程,我们将创建一个蹩脚生锈碳纤维的文字效果。Here we're going to show you how to create a grungy rusted carbon fiber text effect using a couple patterns from Webtreats ETC.

作为一名社会民主的坚信者,伯莱邀请赫尔穆特·科尔总理到普伦茨劳贝格区破旧家中,让她的朋友们大吃一惊。A convinced social democrat, she shocked friends by inviting Chancellor Helmut Kohl to her home in Berlin’s grungy Prenzlauer Berg.

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下载一个肮脏的纹理再现一个简陋的旧纸的效果,并填写颜色调色板背景,从您选择的样本。Download a grungy texture to recreate a tatty old paper effect and fill the background with a swatch from your chosen colour palette.

在此之后,我们会花几个教训推动我们的室内场景的整体情绪运用各种类型的纹理出现蹩脚。Following this we'll spend several lessons pushing the overall mood of our interior scene to appear grungy by applying various types of textures.

这是一个周四的夜晚,在巴尔的摩郡的催眠戒烟治疗中心,刚过而立之年的Mike坐在一张肮脏的躺椅上。On a recent Thursday night, sitting in a grungy recliner at the Stop Smoking Hypnosis Clinic of Baltimore County, the middle-aged man shrugs his shoulders.

我在脑子里的设计主要特点是三其与背景中的蹩脚的市容各种僵尸站在大炮零件热小鸡。The key features I had in mind for the design were three hot chicks with big guns standing over various zombie parts with a grungy cityscape in the background.

另一名报料人说,梅森“仍然穿脏兮兮的旧T恤和连帽外套,趿拉着令人恶心的人字拖,”好像他还没有“变成衣着光鲜、大腹便便的那种CEO。”Another source says Mason "still wears grungy old band t-shirts and hoodies and disgusting flip-flops" and doesn't seem like he's "turning into this snazzy, d-baggy CEO kind of guy."

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如果你希望别人重视你,你就要扔了牛仔裤,摆脱邋遢的样子,改头换面,要保证自己勤洗澡,穿有品质的衣服,表现出来你很在乎你的外表。If you want people to take you seriously, you'll have to scrap the ripped jeans and the grungy look. Make sure you shower, wear quality clothes, and appear that you care about how you look.

这些小店有一种友好的露天氛围,坐着比大些的小贩中心更加舒服,大的小贩中心对有些人来说有时会感到太具压迫性和有点脏,特别是在炎热的天气里。These little joints have a nice open-air vibe to them and are nicer spots to sit than the big hawker centres, which can be a bit overwhelming and grungy to some folks, particularly in the heat.