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抱歉,没有安康鱼。Sorry, no angler fish.

那人捉住一条琵琶鱼。The man caught an angler.

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他可是个热情的钓鱼者。He is a passionate angler.

然后琵琶鱼闭上嘴。Then the angler closes her mouth.

那个钓鱼人绕起钓丝回家了。The angler reeled in and went home.

那个垂钓者把鱼线掷进了小溪里。The angler her line into the stream.

那个钓鱼人绕起钓丝回家了。The angler reeled out his fishing line.

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那个垂钓者把鱼线掷进了小溪里。The angler cast her line into the stream.

随着我们的下潜,我们注意到了琵琶鱼。As we descend, we take note of the angler fish.

一些深海垂钓者形成了意外遇险协作伙伴。Some deep-sea angler fish form unusual life partnerships.

从前有个心地极为善良的孩子,他是个出色的钓手。There was once a remarkably kind boy who was a great angler.

他们唯一的行动钓鱼广告是什么使他们的工作。The only action they have is what the angler ads to make them work.

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这条琵琶鱼在等待猎物时仿佛是在海底“走路”一般。An angler fish appears to 'walk' across the ocean floor as it waits for its prey

在交配时,雄性琵琶鱼会咬住雌性琵琶鱼,并融入其皮肤之中。During mating, the male angler bites onto the female and begins fusing into her skin.

这大概是一个最大的课题,一个在低音捕鱼钓鱼要多些了解。This is probably one of the biggest topics in bass fishing that an angler should learn more about.

当一条自由游动的年轻雄性安康鱼遇到一条雌鱼时,他就会用锋利的牙齿咬住雌鱼。When a young, free-swimming male angler encounters a female, he latches onto her with his sharp teeth.

考虑了这些关键的因素之后,你成为一个成功的钓鲈者也就迈进了一大步。Take these key components out of the equation and your likely success as a bass angler drops considerably.

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在鱼的故事中有大量的公牛,就像钓鱼人和野牛共享一段怀俄明州的黄石河。There's plenty of bull in the fish story, as an angler and bison share a stretch of Wyoming's Yellowstone River.

一个双尾翼飞机,鹳携带着一个“钓鱼者”鱼雷的制导弹头,使其可以出色的对付任何海军。A twin-tailed plane, the Stork carries a payload of Angler torpedoes that it uses to excellent effect against any naval unit.

据新华社电一名垂钓者18日在日本北海道小樽地区海边发现一名男性浮尸。According to the Xinhua News Agency Xinhua an angler 18, Otaru, Hokkaido, Japan region in the sea and found a man floating corpse.