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一定不要强迫你的伴侣在限定的时间内做什么事。Don't obligate your partner to do things in a certain amount of time.

约押这麽做可能是为了讨好大卫,也使押沙龙欠他一个人情。He probably did this in order to be favoured by David and to obligate Abasalom to him.

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人们还不知道自然界中专性寄生菌的营养要求的本质。The nature of the nutritional requirements for obligate parasites in nature is unknown.

先证者的父母必定是杂合子,各携带一个突变等位基因。The parents of a proband are obligate heterozygotes and therefore carry one mutant allele.

美国的军事同盟协议将会让美国有责任参与这些冲突。The US network of emerging military alliances could obligate the US to enter such conflicts.

另有2例脓液培养见厌氧菌生长的脓肿的波谱图中可见乙酸峰和琥珀酸峰。Ac and Suc were observed in 2 of 9 patients in which pus culture were positive for obligate aerobes.

当班的义务消防队队员须前往消防监控中心,换上消防服并随时待命。Fire obligate member, who must go to CCTV center, put fire fighting uniform on and on call any time.

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只要你不用它来施恩于你的前妻,你可以把它当作礼物,随意地花在她的身上。So long as you’re not using it to obligate your ex-wife, you are free to spend it on her, as a gift.

爱心之路并没有责成你去爱每一个人而不管他们怎么做或他们是谁。The path of compassion does not obligate you to love everyone regardless of how they act or who they are.

绵羊无浆体病是绵羊和山羊红细胞内专性寄生的由节肢动物传播的立克氏体疾病。Anaplasma ovis is an arthropod-borne rickettsial obligate parasite of sheep and goat. The disease caused by A.

有的认罪协商也要求被告有提供信息和其它法律实施的协助。Some plea bargains also obligate the defendant to provide information or other cooperation to law enforcement.

农村义务教育的落后,成了中国普及义务教育的瓶颈。Rural obligate education drop behind , and becomes the bottleneck of Chinese compulsory universal education's goal.

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上面的后一句是什么意思?我搞了半天都不明白。I would like further information about the scheme. I understand that requesting details does not obligate me further.

你是否跟从中国传统文化提倡的节俭精神,还是倾向高消费于品牌系列?Do you obligate a traditional chinese culture of frugality either intend to take high expenditure on brand collection?

所有光合细菌加上各种兼性的好氧生物和绝对的厌氧生物具有这种能力。All the photosynthetic bacteria possess the capability in addition to various facultative aerobes and obligate anaerobes.

为了突显企业标志的识别度,所有设计要素应保持所有规定的预留规范。For the sake of highlight the enterprise's symbols, all the design elements shall keep stipulated obligate specification.

例如,在这样的情况下,我们不会被迫去干涉他国或是仅仅出于某国是遵从多数性原则而被迫也采取支持他们的态度。For example, it does not obligate us to intervene or lend support simply because a country is heading toward majority rule.

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微孢子虫是一类专性细胞内寄生的病原微生物,它能寄生于包括人在内几乎所有的动物体内。Microsporidia are obligate intracellular parasites that can infect a wide variety of animals ranging from insects to human.

如果软件来源于供应商的供应商,供应商亦应使其供应商承担该义务。To the extent the software originates with a supplier of the supplier, the supplier shall obligate such earlier supplier accordingly.

人若向耶和华许愿或起誓,要约束自己,就不可食言,必要按口中所出的一切话行。When a man makes a vow to the LORD or takes an oath to obligate himself by a pledge, he must not break his word but must do everything he said.