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这是否满足了你的好奇心?Does it gratify your curiosity?

你的好评使我非常高兴。Your good marks gratify me very much.

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永远不要带着面具去满足你的虚荣心。Never put on false masks to gratify vanity.

你现在已经激起我的好奇心了,那现在你别在卖关子了。You have roused my curiosity. And now you must gratify it.

现在所有的哪一改变,而且较劈拉做响的速度将会使满足你。Now all that changes, and the snappier pace will gratify you.

她打算不再继续满足格洛西亚的好奇心。She did not propose to gratify Gloria's curiosity any further.

她不断地夸奖园林和府第的美丽,让他高兴。She dilated on the beauty of the park and the Hall to gratify him.

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现在她有了个在法国工作的机会,她就可满足她游览欧洲的愿望。Now she has a job in France she can gratify her wish to see Europe.

永为正义之事,这将取悦部分人,并使其他人对此难以置信。——马克·吐温。Always do right, This will gratify some people and astonish the rest.

既然她在法国有份工作,她就能满足一游巴黎的愿望了。Now that she has a job in France, she can gratify her desire to see Paris.

他应当拒绝满足我们的一切严肃的要求,而尽量满足我们一时的瞎想。He should refuse all our serious requests, and gratify every one of our whims.

累累硕果,不仅令人欣慰,而且鼓舞人们再接再厉再创辉煌。The rich fruits not only gratify but also inspire all to create new brilliance.

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迅速富起来的中国人正在以各种各样的方式,实现着自己心目中的奢侈梦想。The local rich are seeking for various ways and means to gratify their luxury dreams.

该仿真模型能较好地满足分析MTD雷达各项性能的需要。The simulation model can gratify the need of analyzing the performances of the MTD radar.

为了满足自己的感官并获得舒适的物质生活条件,人类会像野兽一样行为。To gratify his senses and attain material comforts a person will work like a beast of burden.

为了感念母亲的恩情,我们在五月的第二个星期日庆祝妈妈节。To gratify our mother's loving-kindness, we celebrate Mother's Day on the second Sunday of May.

洗劫商店和纵火源自同样的冲动并满足了同样的渴望。Looting shops and setting them on fire derive from the same impulsion and gratify the same longing.

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相反,他们得到了“情感得不到满足的“的信号,要求伴侣必须给予满足。Instead, they experience them as signals of unmet "emotional needs" that their partners must gratify.

父母们没有觉得是他们牺牲了自己的便利和舒适来满足孩子的要求。Parents didn’t feel they had to sacrifice their own convenience and comfort to gratify the desires of their children.

在人少兔多的澳大利亚,我看见老百姓熟练地屠杀了几千只兔子,他们用这种原始的方法来满足原始的冲动。But in London or New York, where people are many and rabbits are few, some other means must be found to gratify primitive impulse.