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石油公司可以在钻井之前先拖网分析地震数据。The oil industry uses supercomputers to trawl seismic data before drilling wells.

论述了所研制的拖网绞机信息系统的基本原理和关键技术等。And discusses the basic theory and key techniques of the information system of trawl winches.

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结果表明,该网的结构合理,网具性能优良。The experimental results show that the net structure is reasonable and trawl performance is fine.

2007年,在美国1000所医院中共发现6229例心碎综合症,其中只有671位患者是男性。A trawl of records of 1,000 hospitals revealed 6,229 cases in 2007. Only 671 of these involved men.

不要拖网街道、头对GXG在家对豪华品牌一份无敌的股份单和服务。Don't trawl the streets, head to GXG home to an unrivalled portfolio of luxury brands and services.

本文讨论雷诺数、佛洛德数、牛顿数在拖网模型试验中的意义。In this paper the importance of Froude, Reynolds and Newton numbers in trawl model testing was discussed.

数据学家们像矿工找寻金子一样查阅了这些调查的大量数据。Statisticians trawl through the vast quantities of data these surveys produce rather as miners panning for gold.

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购物疗法一向是众多女性的乐事,对她们而言,再没有什么比逛商店更好的事情了。Retail therapy has long been a treat for millions of women who enjoy nothing better than a trawl round the shops.

显然它们对促进讨论引导行为都有所帮助,让政府搜集言论,测试改革方案。Clearly, they help to stimulate discussion and marshal action, and they let governments trawl for and test proposals.

可以听到枪声,并在第二天邻居拼命拖网的太平间为寻找他们的朋友的尸体。Gunshots can be heard, and the next day neighbors desperately trawl the morgues looking for the bodies of their friends.

我们在国际市场寻找质量好,价钱合理的柴油机引擎零件的提供者。We trawl international markets to find quality and cost effective suppliers for diesel engine components to support Deutz AG.

在中国举国体制的运动体系下,教练去乡村搜罗针对每项运动拥有合适体格的孩子。In China's state-run sports system, coaches trawl the countryside looking for children with suitable physiques for every sport.

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在拖网捕鱼作业中,研究已经显示,信天翁以及其他海鸟能够被捕鱼装置缠住和因此溺死。In the trawl fisheries, research has shown that albatrosses , and other seabirds, can become entangled and drowned in fishing gear.

这项新研究利用捕捞量、种群评估、科学的拖网调查、小规模渔业数据以及模型进行分析。The new analysis used catch data as well as stock assessments, scientific trawl surveys, small-scale fishery data and modelling results.

因此,今年五月香港宣布从2012年底禁止拖网捕鱼实属罕见的大动作。So the news item in May this year that Hong Kong had banned trawl fishing in its waters, effective at the end of 2012, is quite significant.

新型例翼的几何形状及使用直径和网目的张开及形状几乎不受拖速大小、有无渔获和渔获多少的影响。The geometry shape, diameter of the new type cod-end and its mesh opening shape are nearly not influenced by the trawl speed and fishing quantity.

如果一个昨天在议会中报道的星际版本出现在这样的拉网式搜索中,这可能无法证明拥有真正智慧的外星人的存在。If an intergalactic version of "Yesterday in Parliament" showed up in such a trawl it might not demonstrate the existence of truly intelligent aliens.

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从过网身和网囊的形状近似计算的结果与根据试验计算结果相吻合。Therefore, we can get the approximate value by the beam shrimp trawl net shape and the results match the tension of warp from the experiments results.

这意味着你可以一点一点地施肥,不会引起多少明显的变化,直到突然整个生态系统被毁掉,然后一个湖泊藻类植物占上风的、新的稳定状态出现了。Though it was trawl nets rather than chemistry that caused the system to flip in the first place, the banks have now settled into a new, stable state.

在以往的东、黄海底拖网渔业资源研究中,投网次数常作为渔捞努力量的度量单位。In the previous study of trawl fishery resources of East China Sea and Huanghai sea, the number of hauls is usually taken as the unit of fishing effort.