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“随我来,”男孩欣喜若狂地说?“Come with me,” said the boy, ecstatically.

在这个心醉神迷地美丽的电影中,墙壁从不翻倒,不过女人做。In this ecstatically beautiful film, walls never tumble, only women do.

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他们心醉神迷地发着光,与所能想象的最明亮的爱、乐、喜悦一起闪烁。They glow ecstatically , ablaze with the brightest love, happiness and joy imaginable.

娜娜狂喜地瞪着那大块浮云堆积着的苍天底下一片无垠的原野。Nana gazed ecstatically at the vast plain beneath the grey sky where great clouds were banked up.

不过,其他人可以表现出不同的情绪波动,可能会发生波动从狂喜快乐很伤心。However, others can exhibit varying mood swings which can fluctuate from being ecstatically happy to very sad.

有多少人半夜醒来是因为再次体验一种心醉神迷的经历?How often do people wake up in the middle of the night because they just relived an ecstatically pleasurable experience?

抗议者疯狂地欢呼,像是激动的旅行者一样,他们爬上坦克,高举图片,拥抱士兵。The protesters cheered ecstatically. Like excited tourists, they began climbing tanks, posing for pictures, and hugging soldiers.

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她的音乐教师萨基欣喜若狂地拥抱了她,告诉她著名的出版商安吉斯·科达先生要请她共进晚餐。Her music teacher Serge hugged her ecstatically and told her Andreas Korda, the famous publisher wanted to invite her to have dinner.

当他看到这些熟悉的、天使般的生灵时,他想要离它们近一些,想嗅它们,想摸摸它们,他开始心醉神迷地伸手去摸每只蝴蝶。When he sees these familiar, angel-like creatures, he wants to get close to them, to smell them, to touch them.He starts reaching out ecstatically to touch each butterfly.

当他看到这些熟悉的、天使般的生灵时,他想要离它们近一些,想嗅它们,想摸摸它们,他开始心醉神迷地伸手去摸每只蝴蝶。When he sees these familiar, angel-like creatures, he wants to get close to them, to smell them, to touch them. He starts reaching out ecstatically to touch each butterfly.

欣快常为占优势的症状,有时发展为一种心醉神迷的感觉,继之可出现突然情绪低落、抑郁、惊慌或深沉的凄惨感觉。Glad often is quickly dominant symptom, develop sometimes it is a kind ecstatically feeling, can appear of afterwards the deplorable sense with abrupt low, depressed, alarmed or deep mood.

古城,神殿,寺庙,小型的森林或荒野草地,成群的大象、猴子,漂亮的鸟和蝴蝶让我们乐此不疲地来往奔波。The old city, the temple, the temple, the small forest or wilderness lawn, in groups elephant, the monkey, the attractive bird and the butterfly let us communicate ecstatically rush about.

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一对坚定的浑圆的鹰眼热情洋溢地、略微轻蔑地向前望去,显然,他的目光没有停留在任何东西上,虽然他的动作和从前一样,既迟缓,又有节奏。The round, hard, eagle eyes looked ecstatically and rather disdainfully before him, obviously not resting on anything, though there was still the same deliberation in his measured movements.