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这音乐带给他一种完满和自由的感觉。The music brought him a feeling of plenitude and freedom.

生活同时孕育充足与空虚,繁荣与萧条。Life breeds both plenitude and void, exuberance and depression.

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一种新的金融体系正在等待推出。A new plenitude and a new financial system are waiting to coil out.

开始于极深处,混乱的周期,天堂的充分。Beginning in the Great Deep, the circle of chaos, plenitude in Heaven.

我们认识你,哦所有天性充分的繁殖,永恒的永久!We have known Thee, O generative Plenitude of all Nature, Eternal Permanence!

珂赛特和他一道出门时,她总紧靠在他的臂膀上,心里充满了自豪和幸福。When Cosette went out with him, she leaned on his arm, proud and happy, in the plenitude of her heart.

通过一些方式,军方试图确信单个的士兵象李思克这样的在死亡后是不会被忘记的。In small ways, the military tries to ensure that individual soldiers like Sergeant Lisk are not forgotten in the plenitude of death.

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所采用的方法具有一定的创新性,所得结论丰富了拓扑空间的理论基础。The method herein used is of creativeness. The conclusion reached is also of real plenitude to the theoretical basis about topological space.

只有在这个层次,这个形式才能够被实现。只有凭藉这个明确的丰富内涵,人的欲望才会是大它者欲望的功用。There alone the specific plenitude by which human desire is function of the desire of the Other, there alone at this level is this form fulfilled.

作为本次国际羽坛盛会的保险商,我公司将一如既往地提供优质的保险服务和最充分的保险保障。As the insurances underwriter of the international badminton fair this time, PICC will keep on offering best service and plenitude assurance for the game.

我坚信首次跑马拉松的目标应该是达到终点线时挺直了别趴下,因为该距离本身就是一个挑战!I truly believe the goal of every first-time marathoner should be to reach the finish line upright and vertical as the distance alone is a plenitude of challenge!

一家人临桌围坐在一起,工作的充实、生活的舒服、学习的乐趣与美味的菜肴,汇成了无比美妙的家庭聚会。The family is faced desk surround sit together, the fun of the satisfied, study of working plenitude , life and delicate dish, collected extremely wonderful family party.

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首先,债法规范的丰富是因为唐代经济的发展,确切地说是商品经济较以前发达。First , plenitude of the debt laws norm was because of economic development in Tang Dynasty , exactly to say it was because the merchant economy was more developed than past.

引发讨论的这种动物之所以成为富足和好运的普遍象征,在一定程度上是因为“羊”这个汉字,与象征吉祥的汉字有同样的组成部分。The creature in question arose as a general symbol of plenitude and good fortune, partly because the Chinese character yang shares roots with the one for auspiciousness, he said.

运用充分统计量法所述理论,可将观测空间由无限压缩至有限,当信号受到高斯白噪声的干扰时可用充分统计量表示被观测量的全部信息并检测出确知信号。When the signal is interfered with white gaussian noise, the external information of the observed can be expressed by the plenitude statistic, and output signal can also be checked.

沉默会产生神秘的威力,使思想经过筛滤如青铜般坚硬,历史上的压制造成了历史家的精确性。From this silence there arises a certain mysterious plenitude which filters into thought and there congeals into bronze. The compression of history produces conciseness in the historian.