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我觉得这不公正。I think it's unjust.

我认为这就是不公平。I think it’s unjust.

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我觉得这是不公平的。I think that is unjust.

我认为这就是不公平。I think that is unjust.

反之则不公平。And if not, it's unjust.

他想,这是不仁不义的事儿。He thought it is unjust.

宁可亏损,不贪便宜。Prefer loss to unjust gain.

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这样是否公平?Now, is this just or unjust?

宁可遭损失,不取不义财。Prefer loses to unjust gain.

对不义之徒,惩罚是伸张正义。Punishing is justice for the unjust.

他屈服于这种不公平的待遇。He submitted to the unjust treatment.

必须废止这个不公正的印花税案。The unjust Stamp Act must be annulled.

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为什麽那麽多人在里面枉死?Why so many unjust death happen in there?

世上有正义或非正义的事物There are just or unjust things in the world.

他们终于起来反对这种不公正的待遇。Finally they rose against the unjust treatment.

他再写到,“也就是正义与不公。And hence," he writes, "the just and the unjust.

他们肯定对这种压力感到苦恼。Students will writhe under such unjust treatment.

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我只是想敦促士兵们不要接受非正义战争。I am just urging soldiers not to accept unjust war.

主说,你们听这不义之官所说的话。And the Lord said, Hear what the unjust judge saith.

他不希望做得不公道,他只是有点儿着急。He did not wish to be unjust. He was only in a hurry.