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从词源学的角度来看,两个词都有“附加物”的意思。The etymological meaning of both words is “something added on.”

协调了初期英语的史前语源学。highly attuned to the etymological prehistory of the English word infant.

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即便如此,我查阅的其他资料似乎与OED吻合。Still, the other etymological sources I checked seemed to agree with the OED.

而后我们就会想起,现代英语文字语源学的根源。And we're reminded of the etymological root of our modern English word career.

探索,问题,这两者在词源上有所关联并非巧合。Quest, question, there is no coincidence that there is an etymological link between the two.

理论这个词的词源非常复杂,你们不需要了解。Now the word theory has a very complicated etymological history that I won't trouble you with.

多年以来许多人显然把这作为联系两个单词的根据,但实际上这根据并没有词源学上的道理。Evidently many people over they years have made this association but it isn’t based on etymological fact.

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同源字和通假字是从不同角度对汉字分类而产生的类别,它们大量地交叉在一起。Etymological words and borrowed words are among categories of Chinese characters from different perspectives.

从我们不时还会碰到旧单字里有“有机”词源的mb。But everything is not so simple. From time to time we run into old words that have “organic, ” etymological mb.

依据语源学,“德鲁伊”这个词的起源是各式各样,足可以猜忌这个词可能是出自印欧时代之前。The etymological origins of the word druid are varied and doubtful enough that the word may be pre -Indo-European.

精细研读文本措辞。仔细思考文本中所有字词的外延、内涵及其词源。Examine the text's diction. Consider the denotation, connotations, and etymological roots of all words in the text.

发表演说的讲台与松鼠、老鼠、海狸之间存在着语源上的联系。There’s an etymological connection between the platform upon which speeches are made and squirrels, rats and beavers.

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没有事能象弹劾那样会使总统陷入窘境了,这既有词源的原因,又有程序上的原因。Nothing hobbles a President so much as impeachment, and there is an etymological as well as procedural reason for this.

理据包括语音理据,形态理据,语义理据和词源理据。It can be classified into phonetic motivation, morphological motivation, semantic motivation and etymological motivation.

毋庸置疑,这部手写本是一件珍品,而且它的珍贵也恰好在于一个词源学上的讽刺——我在文章开始的时候提到过。Clearly this manuscript is valuable and it is value that is also at the heart of the etymological irony I mentioned earlier.

从词源上来看,说client是指“听从命令的人”准确无误,因为词源cluere就是“听”的意思。This was so literally true that the etymological meaning of client is “one who listens to be called” since cluere meant “to listen.”

因此要求洗衣店使用漂白剂来清洗宝宝的尿布,就有了词源上的理由和卫生上的要求。So there are etymological reasons as well as sanitary reasons for adding bleach to the load of laundry that cleans the baby’s diapers.

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这可以表明奥利佛·哈代的胃口更大,果真如此的话,也许奥利的引用会有一个语源学的解释。This might bespeak a larger appetite on the part of Oliver Hardy and if so there might be an etymological explanation for Ollie’s quote.

同源字和通假字是从不同角度对汉字分类而产生的类别,它们大量地交叉在一起。Etymological words and borrowed words are among categories of Chinese characters from different perspectives. They often intersect together.

具有讽刺意味的是,这个房间中我们,不论是从词源学上,还是根据这个高贵词汇所表达的真实意思上来说,才是真正的自由主义者。The irony of the situation is that we, we in this room, are the true liberals, in the etymological and only worthy sense of that noble word.