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欢迎来到圣卢西亚!Welcome to St Lucia.

这是露西娅阿姨吗?Is that aunt lucia there?

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带著这些,并请你解救露希雅。Please take these, and save Lucia.

为什么卢西安要保护你?Why would lucia n wanna protect you?

我听说你是导师是安娜.露西娅。I hear that your tutor is Anna Lucia.

您以前怀布莱安和路西亚也恶心吗?Did you vomit when you have Brian and Lucia?

“我打不开这扇门。”露西娅重复道。"I can't get this door open, " Lucia repeated.

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圣露西亚成为台湾第二十五个邦交国。Saint Lucia became Taiwan's 25th diplomatic ally.

要是从圣卢西亚汽车站出来,走主干道,步行2分钟就到了。Its a two minute walk from St Lucia station, on a main road.

男人最爱的是圣·露西亚的眼睛,圣·露西亚就把她的眼睛给了他。The thing the man loved most about Saint Lucia was her eyes.

圣·露西亚节是瑞典全国性的节日。After lunch most schools close on Santa Lucia day around noon.

圣·露西亚向上帝祈祷,祈求上帝赐予她力量度过这一劫难。But Lucia prayed to God to have the power to survive the fire.

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在别无选择的情况下一护得到露琪亚的力量成为死神。No choice to be the next retaining the power of a death Lucia.

露西娅坐下,冲着卡罗琳感激地笑了笑。As she sat, Lucia gave a wan smile of gratitude to Caroline Amory.

迪恩已将圣·路西亚和马提尼克岛上的供电切断。Dean knocked out power on the islands of St. Lucia and Martinique.

露西亚购物时碰上了老朋友黛布拉。Lucia was shopping when she suddenly bumped into her old friend Debra.

他和26岁的露西亚结婚了,并且已经有了一个美好的男孩,大卫。He's married to 26-year old Lucia and they have a beautiful boy, David.

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芭芭拉和雷诺停住了跳舞,穿过露西娅走到门边。Barbara and Raynor stopped dancing and went across to Lucia at the door.

牙买加、圣卢西亚、安圭拉岛也有类似被搁置的大型发展项目。Other large developments are on hold in Jamaica , St Lucia and Anguilla.

出生参观了那里的房子杰塔,旧金山和圣卢西亚。Aljustrel, tour of the houses where Jacinta, Francisco and Lucia were born.