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鼓起你火焰般的羽翼吧,海鸟在歌唱。Flap your flaming wings, as many a seabird sings.

他正在非常精细地画一只海鸥。He was making, with great care, a picture of a seabird.

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他是用养自己的方法去养海鸟的。He was treating the seabird the same way he treated himself.

浑身沾满油污的海鸟跌入沼泽,再也没有露出头来。A seabird with oil soil all over it tumbled into a swamp and never headed out.

而日本则指出,在19世纪,它们曾在这座小岛上采集过海鸟的羽毛和粪便。Japan points to 19th century use on the island to collect seabird feathers and guano.

她好像中了魔法,变成了一只奇异而美丽的海鸟的形象。She seemed like one whom magic had changed into the likeness of a strange and beautiful seabird.

世界各地都出现了关于某些种类的海鸟交配模式被破坏的报道。Disruptions in the mating patterns of several species of seabird have been reported across the globe.

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精神如栖身于悬崖边的海鸟,在等候冲天而飞的时刻。Spirit is like the seabird perching on the verge of the cliff, waiting for the moment to fly skywards.

专家们说并没有显著的威胁,但燃料油可能会影响海鸟和海龟的繁殖地点。Experts said there was no significant threat but the oil could affect seabird and turtle breeding sites.

动物学家长久以来一直好奇这种不会飞的海鸟,离开陆地这麽长一段时间内的去向。Zoologists have long wondered where the flightless seabird goes during these long spells away from land.

这海鸟餐饮调查只是一个较小的鱼的命运,更要注重科学家的例子。This seabird dining survey is just one example of scientists paying greater attention to the fortunes of smaller fish.

鲑鱼、乌龟、燕子、海鸟,牠们都能准确地知道其出生地,产卵地,从千里外也能准确地找到旧巢。Animals know their birth place, and egg-laying place, and can find the old nest from far place, such as salmon, turtle, swallow and seabird.

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可是,海鸟却被这些豪华排场所吓倒,心里既惊慌又悲痛,不敢饮食,过了三天,终于死去。But the seabird was terrified by all this grandness . It became so frightened and sad that it dared not eat or drink. After three days, it died.

例如,世界渔业的衰退便是由于过度的捕捞,因为主要食物来源的减少,也导致海鸟数量的急剧下降。The collapse of the world's fisheries due to overfishing, for example, has devastated seabird populations that have lost their main food source.

据科学家报告,在一个偏僻的南大西洋岛屿上,大群巨鼠吞吃濒危海鸟的幼鸟,并可能迫使部分的鸟类濒临灭绝。Hordes of giant mice are devouring endangered seabird chicks on a remote South Atlantic island and may be pushing some of the birds to extinction, scientists report.

信天翁专责小组目前正在南非和南美洲开展工作,每支队伍都在致力于各自国家的捕鱼业,以努力减少海鸟的死亡率。Albatross Task Force teams are now working in southern Africa and South America, each team engaging its country's fisheries in an effort to reduce seabird mortalities.

美国所捕捞的海产品中,几乎一半都是来自于白令海,这里同时也是海狮、海象、北极熊、濒危鲸类以及30多种海鸟的家园。The Bering Sea provides almost half the seafood caught in the U.S. and is also home to sea lions, walruses, polar bears, endangered whales, and more than 30 species of seabird.

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研究小组发现,秃鹰之前捕食的海鸟目前数量急剧减少,如勃兰特岛鸬鹚和卡森岛海雀。The team found that populations of seabird species the eagles had historically preyed on, such as Brandt's cormorant and Cassin's auklet, are now greatly reduced on the islands.

研究小组发现,曾经作为白头海雕捕食对象的海鸟种群,如布氏鸬鹚和卡辛氏海雀,在海峡群岛上的数量大大减少。The team found that populations of seabird species the eagles had historically preyed on, such as Brandt's cormorant and Cassin's auklet, are now greatly reduced on the islands.

希尔顿和他的同事们说,尽管海鸟的幼鸟能保卫自己免受其它鸟类的袭击,这些幼鸟的遗传物质中,似乎没有击退像老鼠这样新奇的掠夺者的编码。Hilton and his colleagues say that while the seabird chicks can defend themselves from other birds, the chicks don't appear to be programmed to fend off novel predators like mice.