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菲尔普斯给中国粉丝的致歉信Phelps apologizes to Chinese fans

一如菲尔普斯在泳池上那么多才多艺。Versatility. Just like Phelps in the pool.

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约瑟夫菲尔普斯徽章是一种美味和红色的融合。Joseph Phelps Insignia is a delicious red blend.

迈克尔•菲尔普斯“溜进”北京,竟然没被发现。Michael Phelps sneaked into Beijing almost unnoticed.

我是迈克尔·菲尔普斯,需要帮你宽宽心吗?It's Michael Phelps. Need something to help you relax?

迈克尔。费尔普斯收获北京奥运的第二块金牌。Michael Phelps has his second gold of the Beijing games.

菲尔普斯就他在奥运会上打破的记录做出回应。Michael Phelps reflects on his record-breaking Olympics.

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菲尔普斯从未在药检中检出阳性。Phelps has never tested positive for a banned substance.

菲尔普斯将以体坛标志人物的形象告别北京。Michael Phelps is leaving Beijing as a global sports icon.

今年23岁的菲尔普斯说,他对每个胜利都很珍惜。The 23-year-old Phelps says he has cherished each victory.

卡罗林是拉斯维加斯的酒吧女侍,今年26岁,比菲尔普斯大3岁。The Asian girl Caroline, 26, is 3 years older than Phelps.

植物也可以训练成一个有吸引力的乔木。Phelps has lived and trained in Arbor, Mich. in recent years.

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同年,布宜诺斯艾利斯大学法学院设立了菲尔普斯讲座教授。The same year the UBA Law School established the Catedra Phelps.

相比迈克尔·菲尔普斯,你就是泳池里出没的一个笨蛋。Compared to Michael Phelps you are a chump in and out of the pool.

现年31岁的菲尔普斯仍保持着三项世界记录。He was 15 years old. Now 31, Phelps still holds three world records.

菲尔普斯只要盯着葡萄看一看就能把葡萄烘成葡萄干!Michael Phelps can turn a grape into a raisin just by looking at it.

在这个令人激动的夜晚,菲尔普斯一个人就获得了三个金泳镜的奖项。Phelps finished the night with a total of three Golden Goggle Awards.

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最近,她和菲尔普斯被发现出现在洛杉矶一家酒店。Recently, she and Phelps were spotted together at a Los Angeles hotel.

我们来看看迈克尔·菲尔普斯能否在最后的25米追上他。Let's see if Michael Phelps can track him down over the last 25 meters.

我最喜欢的是菲尔普斯,他一人独得了八枚金牌,真是太不可思议了。My favorite is Phelps , he had only one of eight gold, It's incredible.