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他被认为是不够大。He is said to be undersized.

从现在的投篮标准来看,这还远远不够。He also happens to be vastly undersized by today's wing standards.

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控卫个子还是小了点,总会在比赛中为此付出代价。Being a little undersized is really starting to take its toll on our PGs.

由于长时间的重活和欠缺足够的食物与照顾,伊克巴尔比一般的孩子矮小。Due to long hours of hard work and insufficient food and care, Iqbal was undersized.

捕捞的渔获物中幼鱼不得超过规定的比例。The undersized fish among the fishing gains shall not exceed the stipulated proportion.

由于安全阀尺寸过小而有可能导致贮罐爆破片打开,损失内容物。Potential for drum rupture and loss of containment resulting from undersized safety valve.

任何太大或太小的萨摩犬都要按照背离的程度进行扣分。An oversized or undersized Samoyed is to be penalized according to the extent of the deviation.

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指需要修复产品上有缺陷的倒角,例如划痕,磨损或超差的倒角。Denotes the need to correct defective radii on product such as nicked, torn, or undersized radii.

政府表示过小的夹士是导致明尼阿波利斯I-35西区桥梁坍塌的主要因素。The government says undersized jusset plates were the critical factor in Minneapolis' I-35 West club.

副渔获中大部分鱼种未达到可捕规格,对幼鱼资源造成损害。Most fish species of by-catch were commercially undersized species, with damage to juvenile fish resources.

如果您发现自己捕到尺寸不足的鲍鱼,你必须把牠放回,让牠重新附到岩石上。If you find yourself getting an undersized abalone, you must take it back down and reattach it to the rocks.

该病毒与婴儿小头症有关,即婴儿出生时大脑和头骨小于正常尺寸。The virus is linked to microcephaly, a condition in which babies are born with undersized brains and skulls.

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在加拿大福克斯湾平静的海面,一头孤独的大西洋海象在一块较小的浮冰上休息。A lone Atlantic walrus rests on what looks to be an undersized ice floe amid a glassy sea in Canada's Foxe Basin.

海象图片。一只孤独的大西洋海象休息在外观尺寸不足的浮冰被如镜的海包围在加拿大的福克斯湾。A lone Atlantic walrus rests on what looks to be an undersized ice floe amid a glassy sea in Canada's Foxe Basin.

一个身材矮小、生着一张长满雀斑的扁脸年轻侍者,托着摆满啤酒杯子的托盘不住脚地走来走去。The waiter, an undersized youth with a flat, spotty face, hurried to and fro carrying a tray laden with glasses of beer.

尤其是身材上吃亏的巴斯能够在季后赛中从容应对加内特和波什的轮番冲击吗?And in particular, is the undersized Bass good enough to check the likes of Kevin Garnett and Chris Bosh in the playoffs?

腐熟垃圾堆肥筛分后的筛上物有机物含量高于筛下物。The organic matter content of oversized compost in screen was higher than that of undersized compost in the maturity compost.

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只使用具备适当容量的高级绝缘电线。尺寸过小的电线会造成电阻和随之的电压降落。Use only high grade insulated wiring of suitable capacity. Undersized wires will cause resistance and consequent voltage drop.

您不应该通过集群延长淘汰的、性能不佳的设备的寿命。You should not use clustering to extend the life of outdated or undersized equipment that is experiencing performance problems.

人们看着长人扎堆的篮下杵着这么个迷你宝宝的时候又能想到他会做出什么贡献?How could anybody look at that undersized frame down among the tall trees under the basket and think it would take him anywhere?