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山和丹山的研究。The study of Yama and Niyama.

阎王将我拒门外。Yet Yama keeps me outside the gate.

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阎王说,我的寿命有七十八岁。Yama said, I have seventy-year-old life.

于是就没有抓他到阎罗王那儿去喝茶。Well, they didn't drag him off to have tea with King Yama.

因为阎罗王也好喝茶,你们知道吗?You know, of course, that King Yama also enjoys a good cup of tea.

常言道,阎王爷好说,小鬼难缠,县官不如现管,果不其然。As the saying goes, Yama said, kid mad, the magistrate than now, indeed.

夜叉揭示自己作为主阎王和赠款的所有死去的兄弟的生活。The Yaksha reveals himself as Lord Yama and grants back the lives of all the dead brothers.

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而且,“制戒”和“遵行”与一个人的灵修生活相比,其实与宗教的关系更大。Moreover, Yama and niyama have more to do with religion than with a person's spiritual life.

在阎罗王的领导下﹐这批鬼官吏们负责办理一切鬼魂投胎转世的事务。The ghost officials are in charge of the rebirth of the ghosts under the overall leadership of Yama.

YAMA展现前所未有人体工学设计的突破,更为办公室带来无限的创造力。YAMA Demonstrates a Major Ergonomic Breakthrough in Seating Design and Brings Advanced Productivity to the Office.

帕塔加利与佛教处于同一个时代,他的瑜伽体系受到了佛教哲学“制戒”和“遵行”的影响。Patanjali was a contemporary of Buddhist and his system of yoga was influenced by the Buddhist philosophy of yama and niyama.

经验告诉我们,要修炼“制戒”和“遵行”,需要戒律和自控,以及一定程度的才智。Experience has taught us that in order to practise yama and niyama, discipline and self-control, a certain quality of mind is needed.

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如果对制戒和遵行不认真努力和崇敬,体式的练习将会收效甚微。Without an earnest effort and reverence towards the practice of yama and niyama, however, the practice of asana is of little benefit.

大妹知道九妹吃了阎罗催命丸,性命就控制在她手上,丝毫不让地说她只是以牙还牙而已。Big sister know nine sister eats yama death warrant pills, soul will control in her hand, and not to say she just a tooth for a tooth.

帕塔加利的观点是必须首先完善“制戒”和“遵行”,否则坐式和调息将得不到满意的效果。Patanjali's contention is that you have to first perfect yama and niyama, otherwise asana and pranayama may fail to give desirable results.

提高能量控制水平到更高的状态从而导致了呼吸控制的产生以及能量控制和能量知识的产生。The process of extending prana to greater levels of influence comes within the province of prana yama and leads to prana vidya , knowledge of prana ,.

还有些说法,轮子代表阎罗王手中持的镜子,用于给一个濒死的人揭示下一次投生的不同的可能的去向。On some accounts the wheel represents a mirror held up by Yama to a dying person revealing the various possibilities for the next rebirth open to them.

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在古希腊神话中有一位冥王叫哈德斯,他喜欢上了一个精灵叫曼茜,这使他的妻子非常的嫉妒。In the ancient Greece myths, there was a Yama called Hades. He fell in love with a fairy called Mancy, and thus she was envied very much by the wife of Hades.

足协极有可能复制阎王当年取消降级这种饮鸩止渴的谋略,然后再雪上加霜地缩减一个冲超名额。Football is very likely to copy the abolition of Yama was demoted this strategy of drinking poison to quench thirst, and then further reduced to a Chongchao places.

但是,哈他瑜伽的著作者们,比如Swatmarama,非常清楚每个人在“制戒”和“遵行”中面临的实际困难。However, the authors of texts on hatha yoga, such as Swatmarama, were very much aware of the practical difficulties every person faced in relation to yama and niyama.