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所以,这是钠离子。So, here's sodium.

钠离子是带正电的。Sodium is net positive.

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硬脂酸钠即肥皂。Sodium stearate is soap.

如氯化钠。OK, sodium chloride works.

钠离子是带正电的。The sodium is net positive.

这使你想到什么,钠离子。This has what? Sodium plus.

固态钠和气态氯。Sodium solid plus chlorine gas.

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钠会变成钠离子。Sodium would become sodium plus.

葡萄糖氯化钠注射液…Dextrose and Sodium Chloride Inj.

金属钠有毒性。Metallic sodium is toxic to humans.

这就是从固态到了气态。This is sodium going to sodium gas.

消毒的焦亚硫酸钠。Sodium metabisulfite for sanitizing.

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油酸钠是最佳捕收剂。The best collector is sodium oleate.

硫酸钠和硫酸铅法。Plumbite of sodium and sulfur method.

所以,也许另一个钠也会有联系。So, maybe another sodium will attach.

钾与钠隔着一个八度。Potassium lies one octave from sodium.

谁批准碳酸钠滴注的?。Who approved a sodium bicarb infusion?

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低钠也有可能因为食物摄取少…Low sodium could also be from low food.

目的制备阿洛西林钠。Objective To prepare Azlocillin sodium.

氯化钠的在801摄氏度。Sodium chloride is about 801 degrees C.