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练武术有前程吗?A Future In Martial Arts?

你喜欢看武侠小说吗?Do you like martial arts novels?

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迈克,你学过武术吗?。Mike, did you learn martial arts?

学习武术的基本功。Learn the basics of a martial art.

太极拳是武术的一种形式。Taijiquan is a form of martial arts.

今天,是武术传奇,李连杰。Today is martial arts legend Jet Li.

他是这部片子的武术指导。He is the martial arts choreographer.

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他对悲剧片没有兴趣。He has interests in martial art films.

你学过某些形式的武术。You've learnt some forms of martial arts.

吟唱战争伟业和尚武精神。To deeds of arms the martial spirit fired.

改变方向,这就有点像使用军事艺术。Redirection is a bit like using martial arts.

当我还是个孩子的时候,我曾学过武术。I used to study martial arts when I was a kid.

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难道你不知道自己受军法约束?Do not you know that you are under martial law?

作为一位中华武师习德为根本。As a Chinese martial learn the fundamental moral.

诸葛及元则是学武的一时瑜亮。CHU KOT and YUEN were born to learn Martial Arts.

他的电影将功夫提升到一个全新的高度。His films took martial arts to a whole new level.

中国武术在好莱坞已有立足之地。Chinese martial art comes together with Hollywood.

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德国这时就在这些城市宣布戒严令。Germany then declared martial law in these cities.

如果一个武功大师没文化,他就是一个野蛮人。If a martial artist lacks culture, he is a savage.

它是关于一种叫形意拳的武术样式的。It was on a martial arts style called xingyi quan.