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在游戏人物等级后期,显然应该用毁灭战舰。In the late game obviously Devastator Warships are the way to go.

科技发展以后,消灭者战船对步兵和建造都是致命的。After you tech, Devastator Warships are lethal for buildings as well as infantry.

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如果你拥有世界上所有的金子,那么你大概可以建造多半个大力神。They were the best because if you got all six of the toys together, you could make Devastator.

毁灭战舰得射程和溅射,使它们在消灭外壳时有很大优势。With the range and spread of Devastator Warship shots, they are a great addition to taking out husks.

城市大战中,在Devastator还在坦克模式的时候,Jazz袭击他,并把他的枪筒弄弯了。In the battle of Mission City, Jazz attacks Devastator and bends his gun barrel while he's in tank mode.

如果你拥有世界上所有的金子,那么你大概可以建造多半个大力神。If you had all the gold ever mined in the history of man, you could build a little more than half of Devastator.

根除者六足机甲的初始游戏装备武器是类似于毁灭战舰的粒子飞盘。The Eradicator Hexapod's initial weapons are plasma discs that resemble closely the Devastator Warship's weapon.

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大力神看起来很像大猩猩,搅拌车的桶长在人形中间,可当武器使用。Devastator looks like a gorilla, and has the cement mixer drum in the centre of his chest, which he can use as a weapon.

它们是Scrin除了毁灭战舰外的二号反步兵单位,可以瞬间消灭最强硬的步兵。They are the second best Scrin Anti-Infantry unit next to the Devastator Warship killing even the toughest infantry in seconds.

还记得这个系列的狂派霸天虎么?他们是最厉害的,因为把组合挖地虎的六个玩具组装起来就变成了大力神——有史以来最厉害的变形金刚。Remember this line of Decepticons? They were the best because if you got all six of the toys together, you could make Devastator.

第5波航海家版包括冲浪板,这个是2007年电影中晕眩的重涂,还包括大力神的组这零件之一的拖斗。Voyager Wave 5 consists of Grindor, which is a repaint of 2007 Movie Blackout, and Long Haul, one of the components of Devastator.

他们是最厉害的,由于把组合挖地虎的六个玩具安装起来就变成了大力神——有史以来最厉害的变形金刚。They were the best because if you got all six of the toys together, you could make Devastator. One of the best Transformers toys ever.

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混编一些行星突击母舰,升级飞盘的震波部队,三脚,和毁灭战舰是很好的。Go with a nice mix of planetary assault carriers, shock troopers upgraded with plasma disc launchers, annihilator tripods, and devastator warships.

混编一些行星突击母舰,升级飞盘得震波部队,三脚,和毁灭战舰是很好得。Go with a nice mix of Planetary Assault Carriers, Shock Troopers upgraded with Plasma Disc Launchers , Annihilator Tripods, and Devastator Warships.

他们的弱点并不明显,除非蜂群技能被扔到他们头上、迫击炮弹正中目标或是毁灭战舰的离子炮弹掉在他们面前。They have no real weakness, unless a swarm is placed on top of them, a mortar is launched their way or a rain of plasma falls on them from a Devastator.

还记得这个系列的狂派霸天虎么?他们是最厉害的,因为把组合挖地虎的六个玩具组装起来就变成了大力神——有史以来最厉害的变形金刚。Remember this line of Decepticons?They were the best because if you got all six of the toys together, you could make Devastator. One of the best Transformers toys ever.

虽然之前已经在其他一些商店里见过这个大力神,但今天在美国终于正式发售了。Although there have been some sightings before today at smaller Hobby Shops, today we have our first US Mass Retail sighting of the Revenge of the Fallen Supreme Devastator !

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人类太过渺小以至于不能对这些大型破坏者或者他的杀手机器人同伴们造成什么伤害,他们只能在这些机械战士们彼此激战时糟糕的抱头鼠窜。Too tiny to cause much damage to the massive Devastator and his fellow killer ‘bots, the humans do an awful lot of running as the mechanized warriors smash each other to bits.