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法医学是一个发展中的产业。Forensic science is a growth industry.

在法庭的神经学上有一最后的新章。There is a final new chapter on forensic neurology.

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法医科学研究科学和刑事司法。Forensic science majors study science and criminal justice.

法医鉴定她死于雪崩。The forensic doctor authenticated she died in an avalanche.

英国的小组将协助进行法医调查。The British team will assist with the forensic investigation.

法医专家对残骸进行了极其仔细的搜索。Forensic experts carried out a painstaking search of the debris.

没有法医学,很多犯罪案件无法结案。Many crimes could not be solved without using forensic medicine.

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目的构建计算机法医骨学推断专家系统。Objective To build an expert system for forensic bones estimation.

我们拥有取证软件,其能显示多层次的删除以及思维过程。We have forensic software that shows multiple levels of deletions.

法医学家将从今天开始这项工作。Forensic experts will begin to examine victims' remains from today.

像克鲁利一样对自己进行了一翻简单的法医鉴定。He went through the same crude forensic self examination as Crowley.

这些工具中有许多都是因为法庭调查的需要才被首次使用的。Many of these tools had their beginnings in forensic investigations.

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警方法律专家说那火是纵火者放的。The police forensic expert said the blaze was started by a fire bug.

另一份档案有警察用于法庭的南希尸体的照片。Another file contains the police forensic photograph of Nancy's body.

正文部分是对宋代法医学发展状况的分段讨论。Body part is the state of development of sub-Song forensic discussion.

他在盘问几位部长时表现出的问案技巧为他赢得了赞赏。He won admiration for his forensic skills in cross-examining ministers.

唐朝对法医学来说,是一个承前启后的时代。The transitional period of Chinese forensic medicine is in Tang Dynasty.

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这是特别集中于法庭的评价的第一个专题资料案例汇编。This is the first casebook focusing specifically on forensic assessment.

今天,检材积压是法医证据处理过程中存在的重要问题。Today, The backlog is a serious problem in processing forensic evidence.

四十二岁的法医学家杰西卡是幸运组的典型。Jessica, a 42-year-old forensic scientist, is typical of the lucky group.