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巨蟹,跟金牛座有干连。Cancer, linked with Taurus.

狮子座男与金牛座女的相融性Leo Man Taurus Woman Compatibility

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狮子座女和金牛座男的相融性Leo Woman Taurus Man Compatibility

处女座和金牛座的爱情匹配度Virgo and Taurus love compatibility

双鱼同金牛的生意伙伴关系Pisces and Taurus business compatibility

金牛辞旧岁,瑞虎迎新春!Taurus speech the old year, Tiggo Spring!

因此,狮子座和金牛座最配吗?So is Leo and Taurus compatibility, the best?

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但金牛宫只通过反射来统治。But Taurus ruled only by reflection, as it were.

摩羯座和处女、金牛一样,是土象星座。Capricorn is an earth sign, like Virgo and Taurus.

金牛座只会吃最好的瑞士巧克力。Taurus will only eat the finest of Swiss chocolates.

复仇女神,你为什么不把那头金牛再带到我面前,让我折断她的牛角!The Taurus you cursed just now will send his horn to you.

金牛座和其他十二宫的星座相比较,它是离地球最近的。No other sign in the zodiac is close to earth than Taurus.

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牛的主星是金星,魔是土星。Taurus is ruled by Venus and Capricorn is ruled by Saturn.

你的上升星位也在狮子座,你的月亮星位在金牛座。Your Ascendant is also in Leo, and your Moon is in Taurus.

成龙,祝贺你获得今年的“终身成就奖”。Jackie, congratulations on winning this year's Taurus Award.

月亮在金牛宫里达到圆满的过程中已经引起了许多问题。The run up to the Full Moon in Taurus has raised many issues.

其实在天蝎宫的太阳,照耀着金牛宫。The sun, actually in Scorpio, was shining across into Taurus.

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此外,金牛还会因为天秤浪漫多情又变化无常的天性而大为吃醋。To boot, Taurus is jealous of Libra's romantic and fickle nature.

金牛座主管的是自然,对天秤来说不够浪漫。Taurus is the proprietor by nature and not romantic enough for Libra.

金牛座属于被星相学家命名的一组土象星座。Taurus belongs to a group of signs which astrologers call earth signs.