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他主持了这个集会。He presided at the rally.

大会在一片喧腾声中开始了。The rally began in an uproar.

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他们举行了一次庆祝大会。They held a celebration rally.

你应该鼓起勇气。You should rally your courage.

对不起,但我真的想爱你。Sorry but I rally want love you.

股票行情不久即将回升。The stock market will soon rally.

观看这个节目真是一种享受。It' s rally a grat joy to watch it.

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另一个集会称作滚雷集会。Another rally is called Rolling Thunder.

然而,这次集会组织得非常好。Nevertheless, the rally was well organized.

可与矸类K一型卡拉胶形成凝聚。Rock category with a K-carrageenan a rally.

南部的高雄市也出现了集会游行。Another rally swamped Kaohsiung in the south.

有人在集会上抢走了州长的假发。They took the governor's toupee at the rally.

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我们应当在社会主义的旗帜下团结起来。We should rally under the banner of socialism.

你只能在你的小队长放置的接力重生点重生。You can only spawn at your squads Rally Point.

2011年的油价大涨之势已近尾声?Has the great oil rally of 2011 run its course?

这里富裕繁荣的集结号已经吹响。This rich prosperity rally number already blew.

我希望所有的赫特人都能团结一致地帮助他。I expect all Hutts to rally around and help him.

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为何偏偏要举行大集会游行到皇宫呢?Why must they hold the rally towards the Istana?

约旦人集结要求扔鞋者的释放。Jordanians rally to demand shoe tosser's release.

这两个家族电棍拒绝参加卡扎菲的集会。Both had also refused to attend the Kadhafi rally.