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是否需要更加复杂的构建过程?Does it necessitate a more convoluted build process?

不过,必不可免地也会擦掉一点眼影。This may necessitate touching up your eye shadow a bit.

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这必然会涉及希伯来圣经。And that will necessitate referring to the Hebrew Bible some.

我们说过真正的成因必须是结果的必要影响。We have said the the real cause has to necessitate its effect.

即违纪行为是否严重到需要解雇。That is the infraction was serious enough to necessitate termination.

本文介绍了玻璃焊料与金属封接所需的条件。This paper describes conditions of glass solders- to-metal sealings necessitate.

它将要求大量削减开支,但也可能使较高的税金成为必要。It will require deep spending cuts, but may also necessitate somewhat higher taxes.

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这些技术进步对于NVM单元特征来说具有更高的精确度。These advancements necessitate more precise evaluation of the NVM cell characteristics.

对于一个中等规模的项目而言,这会造成冗长的、容易出错的更新。With even a medium-sized project, this can necessitate tedious and error-prone updates.

官僚被留下关于使法律的申请成为必要的情况决定。The bureaucrat is left to decide as to the conditions that necessitate the law's application.

德拉普自己也充满了希望,受伤不会有必要让他一段时间不参赛的。Delap for his part is also hopeful that the injury will not necessitate a period on the sidelines.

即使是在较低的温度下操作,也能轻易的做到高良率的产出。The agglomeration and sintering of fine particles can necessitate a lowering in temperature of operation.

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第二次和第三次剖腹产还会有更高的大出血风险,有可能需要对产妇进行子宫切除。Second and third c-sections also have higher risks of excessive bleeding that could necessitate a hysterectomy.

云计算需要以新的交互方式为依托,而新的输入输出技术则是其得以实现的前提。Cloud computing calls for new interaction metaphors, and these metaphors necessitate new input-output technologies.

建筑工程包括地盘平整和挖掘土方工程。这些工程将有需要进行移除废土。Construction work will involve site formation and earthwork excavation, which will necessitate the removal of spoil.

目前世界市场的价格波动使得苦杏仁的价格必须调整。The present price fluctuation in the world market have necessitate the adjustment of price for bitter apricot kernel.

在这种情况下,需要进行必要的软硬组织移植,才能确保牙种植体植入的成功。Unpredictable bone loss may prevent successful implant placement or necessitate adjunctive hard-or soft-tissue grafting.

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我们会对自己隐瞒真相的许多方面,因为它们让我们不舒服、或者让改变成为必要。There are many aspects of the truth we hide from ourselves, because they would make us uncomfortable or necessitate change.

在地形复杂或空域限制严格的终端区,某些机场的起飞和复飞需要采用转弯程序。In some terminals, complex terrains and airspaces subjected to stiff strict necessitate the adoption of turning missed approach.

但在一些场合下,取半经典和密度矩阵模型对进行定量的计算是十分必要的。In some cases , however , the quantitatively ac-curate results necessitate the density matrix theory and the semiclassical model.