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您的工作负载会有所不同。Your workload may differ.

也许你的体验会有所不同。Your experience may differ.

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在这种情况下我谨此不同。In that case I beg to differ.

这就是我们不同的地方。Maybe that ' s where we differ.

我在这一点上跟你有分歧。On one point I differ from you.

但各自原因迥然不同。But the reasons for this differ.

关于道德标准我们有不同意见。We differ about moral standards.

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在这一点上我们跟他们看法不同。We differ with them on this point.

您看到的一些文件名可能有所不同。Some of your file names may differ.

各种原子的原子量是不同的。Atoms differ in their atomic weights.

恕我不敢苟同,莫里森先生。I beg to differ with you, Mr Morison.

意见纵有分岐,但其心则仍可能一致。Hearts may agree, though heads differ.

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他的意见和我的不同。They differ in opion with one another.

玉质的品种繁多,颜色各异。Different types of jade differ in color.

基因检测公司对此却不敢苟同。Genetic-testing companies beg to differ.

请允许我在这件事上有不同意见。I beg to differ with you on this matter.

就像是拍摄另一部电影。It was like shooting a differ ent movie.

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价钱随型号大小和样式而变化。The prices differ with- size and design.

那他的观点和葛达玛的有什么不同呢?Now how then does he differ from Gadamer?

开敞空地随方位而不同。The open spaces differ according to aspect.