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他们同地球上“纳米细菌”进行比较。These were compared to terrestrial 'nanobacteria'.

主要生活于陆地上,行动缓慢。They are mainly terrestrial and relatively slow-moving.

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这在现实世界很难实现So it's hard to realize that in the terrestrial situation.

这种现象在陆地或海洋生境中都很少见。This hardly ever happens in terrestrial or marine habitats.

陆生的裸子植物发展到极盛期。Gymnosperms to the development of terrestrial Jisheng period.

她从来没有听过别人从尘世的意义用这个词。She had never heard the word uttered in its terrestrial sense.

森林是陆地生态系统的主体,地球之肺。Forests are the main terrestrial ecosystems, the Earth's lungs.

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但地表伽马射线如何能到达太空中安放费米镜的卫星呢?But how can terrestrial gamma rays reach Fermi's orbit in space?

重庆涪陵实验中学高一学生陆生说。Chongqing Fuling High School high school students terrestrial said.

鱼类的鳃与陆上动物的肺类似。The gills of fishes are analogous to the lungs in terrestrial animals.

这种早期前生命历史已经从地球记录里消失。This early prebiotic history has been lost from the terrestrial record.

平邑石膏矿主要分布于第三系卞桥组地层中,为陆相湖泊沉积型。As terrestrial deposits, Pingyi Gypsum mine is mainly distributed in EgB.

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晓南煤矿含煤地层属侏罗系陆相沉积。Coal measures in Xiaonan coalmine belong to Jurassic terrestrial deposit.

森林是地球之肺,是陆地生态系统的主体。Forest just like lung of the earth is main part of terrestrial ecosystem.

是目前多国数字地面电视接收测试中评价最高的地面电视广播标准。DVB-T is the highest score one of Terrestrial Video Broadcasting standard.

该结果表明,在所考察的时间段内,中国区域的陆地生态系统是碳汇。It is demonstrated that the terrestrial ecosystem is carbon sink in China.

有时归入水龙骨科或珠蕨科。Polypodiaceae A family of terrestrial or epiphytic leptosporangiate ferns.

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水星、金星、地球和火星通常被称为陆地行星。Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars are sometimes called the terrestrial planets.

数字传输也比其地面同类传输更弱。Digital transmissions were also much weaker than their terrestrial equivalent.

也许在陆生动物的世界里,生物学家能提供诸如此类的细节。Maybe in the terrestrial world, biologists can provide those kinds of details.