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还是保罗,艾克曼。This is Paul Ekman again.

于是埃克曼坐下来仔细观察影片,可一无所获。So Ekman sat and looked at the film. Nothing.

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当Ekman第一次遇到他的现任妻子时,他已经结过婚了。When Ekman first met his current wife he had been married before.

但埃克曼指出,如果稍加训练,几乎人人都能或多或少掌握些技巧。But given a bit of training, Ekman says, almost anyone can develop the skill.

据Ekamn记录,人们通常会用微笑来掩饰真实的情绪。One of the most common thing people doin hiding emotions, Ekman notes, is to smile.

事实上,艾克曼有更多实质性工作,同他的科学工作一起。Ekman actually has a sort of more practical career along with his scientific career.

保罗艾克曼博士博士和大卫松本创建梅特,在线微表达的训练工具。Dr. Paul Ekman and Dr. David Matsumoto created METT, an online micro expression training tool.

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消亡过程则是由于局地涌升增强以及东南向的埃克曼流导致。The decay of spring warm pool is because of local strengthening upwelling and southeast Ekman currents.

Ekman说,这些就是“象征性泄露”,表示对象试图隐瞒或改变真相。These are "emblematic slips," Ekman says, and indicatethe subject is trying to suppress or alter information.

当埃克曼进行相反的实验的时候,把先前的新几内亚人的面孔呈现给西方人,表情还是被辨认出来了。When Ekman conducted the experiment in reverse, showing Fore faces to Westerners, the emotions were again unmistakable.

Ekman研究欺滦为已经超过四十年了并且是该主题好几本书的作者。Ekman has been studying deceptive behavior for more than four decades and is the author of several books on the subject.

据埃克曼所知,一部商业电视剧仅仅基于一位科学家的研究,这还是首次。It is the first time, as far as Ekman is aware, that a commercial TV drama has been based on the research of just one scientist.

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在一个经典的研究项目中,保罗埃克曼拍下了一组人的照片,分别表示愤怒、厌恶、恐惧、幸福、悲伤。In classic research Paul Ekman took photographs of people exhibiting the emotions of anger, disgust, fear, happiness, and sadness.

我是艾克曼,我想你是否介意我今天晚上去拜访你一下,就是说如果你不忙的话。This is Ekman speaking. I was wondering if you'd mind if I dropped in for a few minutes this evening. That is, if you're not going to be busy.

受这些发现的启发,Ekman便着手去建立一个可以将任何一个人的复杂面部表情进行编码的系统。Encouraged by these findings, Ekman then set out to organize a system by which he could codify the complex facial expressions of any given person.

对于没有经过训练的眼睛,虽然几乎没有可能能够看得出来,但是,是可以很快地学习如何去读它的---一个小时之内,根据Ekman的说法。To the untrained eye, they are virtually impossible to spot, but we can learn to read them, quite quickly apparently -- in about an hour, according to Ekman.

Ekman告诉我,”有时候是因为情绪,人们知道他们的感觉却蓄意试图掩盖---这情绪可能是不好意思或着是其他更不好的原因。Ekman tells me, "Sometimes it's an emotion they know they're feeling and are deliberately trying to hide -- it could be embarrassment or something more sinister."

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梅特和METT2正在停产,但都埃克曼和松本已经制定了各自的网站表达他们自己的微型训练软件。METT and METT2 are being discontinued, but both Ekman and Matsumoto have developed their own micro expression training software available on their respective sites.

自20世纪60年代保罗·艾克曼首创该领域以来,心理学家们已经找到其通用而特色的面部表情,以帮助衡量和定义各种好奇情绪。Since the 1960s when Paul Ekman pioneered the field, psychologists have looked for universal, characteristic facial expressions to help measure and classify emotions.

书也包括关于提出的的所有原先研究和一断定的综合和以保罗•埃克曼做的的全部贡献的批评的后续评论。The book also includes follow-up commentary on all of the original research presented and a concluding integration and critique of all the contributions made by Paul Ekman.