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临床应用主要是含舒巴坦的药物。Amount of money was mainly spent on injectable powder.

如果你选择使用可注射药物,不要共用针头。If you choose to use injectable drugs, don't share needles.

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医生想要找到一种比两性霉素B更便宜,而且更加方便不用注射的药物。Physicians wanted a cheaper, more accessible form of amphotericin B than the injectable.

社区卫生工作者开始首次倡导使用注射性避孕用具。Community health workers initiated the use of injectable contraceptives for the first time.

本文将该制品与美国同类产品牛胶原进行了比较。Implants can eventually become rat tissue. American product injectable bovine collagen was compared.

有些人一旦出现过敏反应,可以注射医生开具的肾上腺素。Some people are prescribed injectable epinephrine that they can administer themselves in an emergency.

这可能包括从国家基本药物清单中删去不必要的注射药物。This may include removing unnecessary injectable medicines from the national essential medicines list.

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注射用亚叶酸钙是一种普通药物,经常做为结直肠癌化疗方案的一种药物。Injectable leucovorin, a generic drug, is a common part of chemotherapy treatment for colorectal cancer.

现在,疼痛快要杀死我,因为我这几天到了很多地方,都无法找到吗啡注射。Pain is killing me because for several days I have been unable to find injectable morphine in any place.

这个研究是由基因工程植物产生的可注射的疫苗的第一次人体试验。The findings came in the first human tests of an injectable vaccine grown in genetically engineered plants.

我们现有的注射疫苗是我们上周拿到的,自那以来我们就没有收到新疫苗了。"The injectable vaccine we had is what we got last week. We haven't had anything new since then," she said.

此次合作的目的在于标准化一套经过实践检验的、没有争议的注解,以便使那些被注入的类能够在这两个框架间进行移植。standardize a proven, non-controversial set of annotations that make injectable classes portable across frameworks.

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该药物可注射,应用于制作卡介苗的氯盐中,注射前须与纯净水混合。Injectable. The drug is supplied as a chloride salt in ampules that must be mixed with sterile water before injection.

如果把灭活病毒与纳米颗粒结合在一起从而增加免疫应答,可注射的疫苗可能有用。Injectable vaccines can be useful if the inactive virus is bound up with nanoparticles to increase the immune response.

疾病控制中心称,目前有包括注射形式在内的近千万支的猪流感疫苗可供预定。The CDC says nearly ten million doses of the swine flu vaccine including the injectable form are now available to be ordered.

聚丙烯酰胺水凝胶做为一种软组织填充材料,1997年正式引进中国并应用于临床。In 1997, polyacrylamide hydrogel was introduced into China and used in clinical practice as a kind of injectable soft tissue filler.

新版本标准化了一组用于依赖注入的注解,使得可注入的类在多个框架之间更容易移植。A new set of annotations for dependency injection has been standardized, making injectable classes much more portable across frameworks.

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注射剂用于精神分裂以及躁狂或双相I型混合期有兴奋症状的患者。An injectable form is used in the treatment of symptoms of agitation in schizophrenia and manic or mixed episodes of bipolar I disorder.

研究人员称,一种可注射的水凝胶可以通过帮助受损组织部位生长的方式有助脑损伤的康复。An injectable hydrogel could aid recovery from brain injury by helping stimulate tissue growth at the site of the wound, researchers say.

注射型填充物和肉毒杆菌适合那些生活节奏紧凑,不希望花费较长时间来恢复的人。Injectable fillers and botulinum toxin are suitable for people with busy lifestyles who do not want the inconvenience of a long recovery.