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把雨衣放在栏杆上去滴干。Put the raincoat on the balustrade to drain.

上层的窗户通向阳台,围墙围着一方有栏杆的天井。All around the walls was a terraced patio with a balustrade.

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扶手驳接件的材质为优质304或316不锈钢。The material of the balustrade bracket series is Stainless Steel 304 or 316.

褪了色的自制风筝在矮墙上缠成一团。Fading home-made kites are propped in tangles of string against the balustrade.

甚至是围绕旗杆底座的56根柱子也有特殊的含义。Even the 56 poles in the balustrade around the base of the flag have a special meaning.

玻璃墙在屋顶延伸,转化成了公共区四周的透明护栏。The glass walls continue over the roof, turning into the balustrade around the public area.

上层楼梯利用从天花板悬挂下的白棒作为扶手栏杆。The upper staircase is suspended from the ceiling by white rods that create a minimal balustrade.

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在面向花园的立面外观,模块化的花盒形成阳台的栏杆。In the facade that fronts the garden, the modular flower boxes shape the balustrade of the balcony.

这些黑地白粉字的“牌子”站得整整齐齐,挂满了楼上那一带口字式的栏杆。These blackboards, chalked with figures, hung in a neat row all along the latticed balustrade of the gallery.

栏杆上的图案是小的孔洞——与光塔相匹配——可以看见下面的大厅。Here, small peek-holes in the patterned balustrade – which matches the minaret – give a view of the hall below.

在铁路线路三维场景中,存在着大量的对称物,如树木、亭子、栏杆等,大部分对称物都属于复杂地物。There are a lot of symmetry objects in the railway 3D sight, such as tree, georgette, and balustrade and so on.

圆形窗户后面是楼梯,旋转而上的松木栏杆印有色彩斑斓的图画。The screen printed hoop pine balustrade links the levels through a carefully constructed narrative of image and colour.

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这一幅画一再地已经被再生,而且几乎每个人在栏杆上熟悉天童倾斜。This painting has been reproduced over and over again, and almost everyone is familiar with the cherubs leaning on the balustrade.

高高的楼梯间整合了橱柜可以作为底层工作空间和上部的起居空间的分隔。A tall staircase balustrade with integrated cabinets acts as a partition between the ground-level workspace and the living areas up above.

天花板使用功能画了一个栏杆和云在天空,创造大厅延伸到太空的印象。The ceiling used to feature a painting of a balustrade and clouds in a sky, creating the impression that the hall stretched out into space.

它的屋顶可以伏到积攒雨水的作用并用于新的植被的浇灌,甚至有可能种植在屋顶花园或阳台上。Its roof can be acclimated to abduction rainwater that can again be used to adulterate new vegetation, conceivably even on a roof garden or balustrade.

楼梯在建筑的两层之间提供了方便的中心连接工作,与走廊的装饰栏杆交叉。The staircase provides a convenient central connection between the building's two upper levels and intersects with the gallery's ornamental balustrade.