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译市运动会允许业余选手参加比赛。The city sports meeting allowed nonprofessional athletes to compete.

英国为其防御而组织的非专业的部队单位。British unit of nonprofessional soldiers organized for defense of GB.

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也许今天的专业中产阶级已经富裕到可以以平和之气吸收分裂带来的震荡。Perhaps the nonprofessional middle class is rich enough today to absorb its blows with equanimity.

非职业中产阶级遇到的问题有很多体现在男性所遇到的问题。The troubles of the nonprofessional middle class are inseparable from the economic troubles of men.

诚然,许多提供商品与服务的人并非专业人员,但是确实也有我们我没有的知识。It is true, of course, that most nonprofessional providers of goodsand services also have knowledge that we don’t.

我们的组织是由非医疗专业的自愿者所组成的,因此不可能对有上述背景的人提供妥善的照顾。Our capacity as a nonprofessional volunteer organization makes it impossible for us to properly care for people with these backgrounds.

新式小区的增加,邻里之间的陌生,非心理专业人士在劝解引导方式上的缺陷。The increase of modern communications, unknown with each other in the neighborhood, imperfection in the advice of nonprofessional persons.

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随着制造业中的工作和半熟练的办公室职业消失,这类中产阶级的数量大量下滑。And as manufacturing jobs and semiskilled office positions disappear, much of this vast, nonprofessional middle class is drifting downward.

这种安抚对于非医患关系的人来说是恰当的,但是作为一名临床医生,你这样安抚往往达不到预期的效果。Although this may be appropriate in nonprofessional relationships, in your role as a clinician, such comments are usually counterproductive.

这也是第一次让非专业宇航员有机会乘坐美国发射的航天器进入太空轨道。The flights would be the first to give nonprofessional astronauts the chance to go into orbit aboard a spacecraft launched from the United States.

专业与非专业缝制服装获得的效果,取决于恰当的熨烫技术及熨烫工具的运用。The difference between professional and nonprofessional results in sewing often depends on proper pressing technique and the pressing equipment available.

在大、小城市中,在大学、教堂、工会礼堂和公共集会场所演出的业余戏剧团一共约有两万个。There are about 20,000 nonprofessional theater groups in cities and small towns, at universities, in churches, trade union halls and in community centers.

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目前,驾驶员非职业化已成为我国交通行业的一个新特点,这就使得培训大量非职业驾驶员的工作变得比较紧迫。The nonprofessional driver has become the new feature of China traffic situation, which causes that the work of training nonprofessional driver become necessary.

由非专业照护者进行梳头除虫卵的效果不佳,显示将梳头作为附属的治疗法并不可靠。The failure of nit removal combing by nonprofessional caregivers to improve efficacy demonstrates the unreliability of combing as adjunctive treatment in this setting.

非职业模特,或许就是邻家女孩儿——看上去可以很青春,很清纯,也可以前卫些,叛逆些。The nonprofessional mold is especially and probably neighbouring girl's son-have a liking for go to can very youth, very pure, can be also a little more advanced, revolt.

若订阅者的非专业订户身份发生变化,订阅者必须以书面方式通知贩售商。Subscriber shall notify Vendor promptly in writing of any change in his or her circumstances that may cause him or her to cease to qualify as a Nonprofessional Subscriber.

陪审制度是国家审判机关吸收非职业法官参与审判,共同对案件做出事实判断及法律评价的一种诉讼制度。The jury system is a kind of litigation system that national judgment organization absorb nonprofessional judge to participate judgment and to make arbitration and law evaluation.

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我相信通过设计平台来使我们的工作更加的有趣、容易、好玩,我们能够同时培养专业和非专业的“公民档案管理员”。I believe that by designing platforms that make adding real value to our work intriguing, easy, and fun, we can cultivate both professional and nonprofessional "citizen archivists."

目前非计算机专业毕业的大学生使用计算机时还存在诸多问题,在此对造成这些问题的原因进行了分析,并提出了一些切实可行的建议。At present there are many problems when nonprofessional undergraduate students use computer. This paper intends to analyse the causes of those problems and give some practical advices.

不管怎样,由于非专业的中产阶级人士的前景正在变得暗淡,所以在最近的10年里,中产阶级内部发生的一些最重要的文化上的变化正呈加速之势。Nonetheless, some of the most significant cultural changes within the middle class have accelerated in the past decade, as the prospects of the nonprofessional middle class have dimmed.