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鲍斯韦尔是詹森博士的传记作者。Boswell was dr johnson's biographer.

鲍斯威尔是詹森博士的传记作者。Boswell was the biographer of dr johnson.

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鲍斯威尔是约翰逊博士的传记作者。Boswell was the biographer of dr johnson.

是奈保尔告诉他的传记作者French的。Because Naipaul tells them to his authorized biographer.

对于肯布尔的传记作者们来说,真正的竞争来自肯布尔本人。The real competition for any biographer of Kemble is Kemble herself.

法蒂玛米尔,南非前总统尼尔逊曼德拉的朋友和传记作者,病逝,享年81岁。Fatima Meer, a friend and biographer of Nelson Mandela has died. She was 81.

近代的一位传记作家曾指责这位维多利亚时代的艺术评论家有恋童癖。One recent biographer accused the Victorian art critic of being a paedophile.

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因此传记作者多丽丝科恩斯古德温常举林肯“敌手之队”的例子。Hence Lincoln's famous "team of rivals, " says biographer Doris Kearns Goodwin.

人们总是不太信任这个可怜人的能力,但他可不仅仅是我的传记作者。People never credit the poor man’s abilities. He’s more than just my biographer.

传记作家把“发现万有引力”归功于他,如果他没有发现这一事实,我们会变成什么样呢?One biographer credits him with "discovering gravitation," and where would we be without that?

据布里顿百年诞辰还有三年时光,足以让传记作家来澄清是非,披露真相。Three years until his centenary is time enough for a fresh biographer to put the record straight.

施罗德的传记作者于尔根·霍格雷费认为,这位即将卸任的总理正在等待中观望,看看什么会发生。Schroeder's biographer Juergen Hogrefe says the chancellor is waiting to see what will come along.

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他的传记作者伯顿·赫什认为,泰迪在鲍比去世前就明白了参议院能向他提供什么机会。His biographer Burton Hersh suggested that Teddy had understood the possibilities of the Senate before Bobby died.

艾萨森过去作为一个美国对外政策学者和亨利·基辛格的传记作者的工作,在这里起了良好的作用。Isaacson's previous work as a student of American foreign policy and biographer of Henry Kissinger serves him well here.

除了负责学校事务,Seldon博士还是历史学家和政治评论员,最有名的作品是前首相布莱尔的传记。Besides his school commitments, Dr. Seldon is a historian and political commentator best known as Tony Blair's biographer.

但是,在与作家沃尔特·艾萨克森的40次谈话中,乔布斯拒绝粉饰掉自己的过错。But in a series of 40 interviews with biographer Walter Isaacson, he refused to let his faults be airbrushed from history.

普卢塔克古希腊传记作家和哲学家。他写的希腊罗马名人比较列传,一部传记集,曾被莎士比亚用在他的古罗马戏剧的。Greek biographer and philosopher. he wrote parallel lives a collection of biographies that shakespeare used in his roman plays.

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指责别人没有教养的人,自己同样缺乏教养---普鲁塔克,希腊历史学家和传记作家。He who reflects on another man's want of breeding, shows he wants it as much himself---Plutarch, Greek historian and biographer.

无论你是在白天身穿茶色,或是,在晚上打扮得色彩斑斓,当你成功魅惑了一个传记作者的时候,千万别不知所措哦。Whether you choose earth tones for day or vivid Technicolor for night, don't be surprised if you mesmerize—or gain a biographer.

在这个普通而具有知性的肖象里,传记记者注意到,斯托夫人在内战前从没有深入访问过南部。In this plain but informative portrait, biographer Gerson notes that author Stowe never visited the deep South before the Civil War.