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那种火红色的?。That flaming red?

火红的郁金香,蓝色的玫瑰。Flaming tulips. Blue roses.

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沿着火红的烟道,爬上山岗。And climbed up to its flaming flue.

我是一团熊熊燃烧的地心火!I am the flaming fire inside the earth!

别把你的皮肤暴露在炎热的阳光下。Don't expose your skin to the flaming sun.

离吐鲁番不远有一座火焰山。Not far from Truvan is a Flaming Mountain.

现在换成火焰辣奇多和蟑螂You have Flaming Hot Cheetos and a cockroach.

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“一堆烧得旺旺的好柴火!”老妇人补充道。"A fine, flaming fagot, " added the old woman.

燃着的火,以它熊熊的光焰警告我不能走近它。The flaming fire warns me off by its have glow.

每张嘴都排满了燃烧的牙齿。Each mouth is filled with rows of flaming teeth.

在生命大厅深处成长为花,绽放。Deep in the Halls of Life grew a flower, flaming.

鼓起你火焰般的羽翼吧,海鸟在歌唱。Flap your flaming wings, as many a seabird sings.

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不一会儿火光冲天,这是我最喜欢看见的情景。Flaming in a short time, this is I most like to see.

火红的太阳渐渐消失在海平线上。The flaming sun gradually disappears below the sea level.

没一个伟大成就都是一颗激情燃烧的心所赢得的胜利。Every great achievement is the victory of a flaming heart.

星夜下,艳丽的花朵燃烧般的怒放。Starry, starry night, flaming flowers that brightly blaze.

他给他们降下冰雹为雨,在他们的地上降下火焰。He gave them hail for rain, and flaming fire in their land.

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刹那间,一个熊熊燃烧的火圈被高高地支了起来。For a moment a flaming ring was raised high up on the floor.

这位年轻人有火红的头发不肯放平。The youngster has flaming red hair that refuses to lie flat.

那火红的颜色?我是说。,我打赌,她的色彩顾问是个受虐狂。That flaming red?I mean. I swear her colorist is masochistic.