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苏格拉底是女性主义吗?Is Socrates a feminist?

她自称是女权运动者。She is professedly a feminist.

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我是个女性主义者,我是个拉冈的信徒。I am a feminist. I'm a Lacanian.

她是一个典型的女权主义者。She is a card-carrying feminist.

她会叫自己女权主义者吗?Would she call herself a feminist?

她将作为第一名女权扩张论者而流传下去。She will go down as the first feminist.

盖拉认为自己是女权主义者吗?。Does Gellar consider herself a feminist?

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他还是女权主义者格洛丽亚·斯坦尼恩的朋友。He is friends with feminist Gloria Steinem.

女性主义的发展经历了两大高潮。Feminist movement has gone through two climaxes.

我可能很接近于一个自由主义者和一个文化女性主义者。I may be close to a liberalist and a cultural feminist.

女权主义运动根本无关为女性争取平等权利。The feminist agenda is not about equal rights for women.

第二次美国妇女运动始于二十世纪六十年代中期。The second American feminist movement began in the 1960s.

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李昂的作品是台湾女性主义文学中的一朵奇葩。Li Ang's are the cream of Taiwan's feminist literary works.

你怎么看把神力女超人作为妇女的象征?What are your thoughts of Wonder Woman as a feminist symbol?

只有少数女作家写出了更多的受西方影响的女权主义思想。Only a few write of more Western-influenced feminist thought.

这四种意识流溢于女性的文学创作中。The four consciousnesses are displayed in feminist literature.

自传体小说是女性主义诗学的重要组成部分。Autobiography is one of the important part of feminist poetics.

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弗莱顿再次唤醒了美国的女权运动。Friedan re-awakened the feminist movement in the United States.

我决定成为一个男女平等主义者,这似乎是水到渠成之事。I decided I was a feminist and this seemed uncomplicated to me.

这让人感觉好像女性主义政治学不再是必要的。It makes it seem like feminist politics is no longer necessary.