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这是相同的耕耘。It is the same for the cultivator.

耕耘者的汗水是哺育种子成长的乳汁。Cultivator sweat is nurtured to grow seed milk.

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老师,是美的耕耘者,美的播种者。Teacher is the planter and cultivator of the beauty.

啊!说是讲修行,在这儿讲修道。The cultivator was talking to his women about cultivation.

因此,诚信是非常重要的耕耘。Therefore, Faith is of great importance to the cultivator.

中耕机每天工作14小时,给玉米作最后一次中耕。The cultivator worked fourteen hours a day, laying by the corn.

刀辊半径是耕耘机设计中的一个基本的设计参数。Whirling blade radius is an elementary parameter in the cultivator design.

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这是第二个基点的耕耘应该牢记。This is the second cardinal point which the cultivator should keep in mind.

耕地机具。旋转式中耕机用铲。安装尺寸。Equipment for working the soil. rotary cultivator blades. fixing dimensions.

耕耘机刀片设计是耕耘机设计的一个重要方面。Blades design is a important aspect in the self-propelling cultivator design.

此外,我们还识别了培育者和经纪人对管理的促进作用。In addition, we recognize the managerial facilitating roles of cultivator and broker.

每当收获的时刻,我总会情不自禁地想念辛勤播种的耕耘者——老师。Every time at harvest, I can' t help thinking of my teacher, the hard working cultivator.

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戒、定、慧三无漏学,是修行人所必须具有的。Every cultivator needs to have the Three Non-Outflow Studies of precepts, samadhi, and wisdom.

当耕耘螳人进场时,你可以从你手上弃掉任意数量的地牌。When Nantuko Cultivator comes into play, you may discard any number of land cards from your hand.

采用ADAMS仿真软件并通过实测尺寸构建了GN31耕整机的虚拟样机,从整机角度分析研究了耕整机振动机理。In this thesis, a virtual prototype of GN31 cultivator has been built up with the software of ADAMS.

这个修行者的修行已经到达相当的水平,并开发出天眼通。The cultivator who has reached a certain high level of practice suddenly develops 'transcendental vision.

针对目前温室大棚用小型机具存在的问题,根据“旋耕自走”原理,研制出TY-300型无轮耕耘机。Based on the theory of self-propelled rotary tilling, TY-300 No-wheel Cultivator used in greenhouse is developed.

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论述了推广大棚蔬菜耕作管理机的选型、配置的试验与论证,介绍了推广的组织实施和取得的实效。Test and demonstration on the selection and installation of cultivator for vegetable yielding in shed are narrated.

他不能一心二用,而柴斯特要寸步不离地跟着新来的耕地的人。The thing was, he couldn't be in two places at once, and Chester was digging in his heels over that new cultivator.

出于这个原因,菩提心的目标,该耕作应清楚了解,才定下了惯例。For this reason, the Bodhi Mind is the goal that the cultivator should clearly understand before he sets out to practice.