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他从二十英尺高的扫帚柄上掉下来。He falls twenty feet from a broomstick.

她根本用不着老女巫的笤帚就能飞行!She needs no old woman's broomstick to fly withal!

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相信小朋友们一定不会忘记这个在空中骑扫把的小女巫吧!It´s a wild ride on a broomstick that kids won´t soon forget!

现在,用来做雪人骨干的扫帚柄都露了出来。The broomstick that used to be the Snowman's backbone, is now visible.

小男孩和女孩,你们能一起来骑在扫把上飞嘛?Little Boys and Girls, Will You Come and Ride with Me on My Broomstick?

在一些图上,你经常看到一只黑猫在女巫的帚柄的后面。In pictures, you often see a black cat on the back of a witch's broomstick.

只要学会使用拖把和扫帚的正确一端,并确认水桶没有洞就行了。Just learn to attach a mop to the right end of the broomstick and find a pail without holes.

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第一本是关于一个小女孩在万圣节晚梦见自己骑着扫帚飞来飞去的诗集。An illustrated poem about a little girl who dreams of flying on her broomstick on Halloween night.

有一次万圣节,他为我做了个电南瓜,还把它装在一个扫帚把上。For one of my Halloween parties, he created an electrical pumpkin and mounted, it on a broomstick.

现在等他们睡着了,把他们藏到飞天扫帚柜,再拔他们几根头发,穿上他们的衣服。Now, once they're asleep, hide them in the broomstick cupboard and pull out a few of their hairs and put on their uniforms.

小时候,Ron弄坏了Fred的玩具扫帚,出于报复Fred将Ron最喜爱的泰迪熊变成了一只巨型蜘蛛。After young Ron broke Fred's toy broomstick when they were very young, Fred turned Ron's favourite teddy bear into a large spider.

哈利把背包和扫帚塞在脚边,又把海德薇的笼子夹在膝间,真是太不舒服了。Harry stuffed his rucksack and broomstick down by his feet and rammed Hedwig's cage between his knees. It was extremely uncomfortable.

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他梦到许多的石碓,还有燃烧般的日出,他在一片宽广的天空中搜寻着一个骑在笤帚上的红色斗篷的剪影。He dreams of stone turrets and a burning sunset and soaring through a vast, open sky in pursuit of a red-cloaked figure on broomstick.

一个村民据说一直在努力抗争使她不被她们带走,但是在最后她们胜利了,而他的手里只剩下了一截扫帚柄。A villager was said to have long struggled to hold her from them, but at last they prevailed, and he found nothing in his hands but a broomstick.

一家拥有300年历史的家庭作坊生产的长柄扫帚被哈里·波特系列电影四选中,将出现在影片中,这将使其商业经营扩展到全世界。A 300-year-old family-run broomstick business is set to take off worldwide after their brooms were chosen to appear in the fourth Harry Potter film.

扫帚柄好像也要掉出来,他是哈利决定要在摩托车翻倒时抓住他的书包带和他的猫头鹰笼子。The broomstick spun too, but he just managed to seize the strap of his rucksack and the top of the cage as the motorbike swung the right way up again.

由于把魔法学生哈里·波特骑扫把的方式拍成是帚头朝后,好莱坞电影制片公司华纳兄弟公司受到了诅咒。Hollywood studio Warner Bros* has had a spell cast on it for showing apprentice wizard Harry Potter riding his broomstick with the brush part at the back.

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飞天扫帚打着旋儿往地面落去,就在摩托车重新扳正过来的一刹那,哈利及时抓住了背包带子和鸟笼顶部。The broomstick spun to earth, but he just managed to seize the strap of his rucksack and the top of the cage as the motorbike swung the right way up again.

孩子们依然在树上监视着,泰勒夫人正手里拿了根扫帚柄在拍扫着石台阶上的尘土。They watched as she took a broomstick to clean the dirt from her stone steps. But, much to their disappointment, she did not mount the broomstick and take flight.

经询问三人及调取该院录像均证实,三人分别在12月9日、11日、12日13日对王秀英实施殴打,或是脚踢或是用拖把推搡。The three were interrogated and it was confirmed that they assaulted the deceased on December 9, 11, 12 and 13 by punching, kicking or hitting her with a broomstick.