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这个策略是好的。The strategy is good.

你的战略是什么?What was your strategy?

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这个策略是有缺陷的。The strategy was flawed.

那是我们的核心战略。That’s our core strategy.

他们会有一个新战略吗?Do they have a new strategy?

第一,市场策略。One, the marketing strategy.

蒙塔纳罗就有这样一个战略。Montanaro has such a strategy.

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战术有别于战略。Tactics differs from strategy.

求射程的方法是什么What's the strategy for range?

这是个不错的策略。This is a sound strategy , IMO.

其次,战略战术问题。Next about strategy and tactics.

你的分支策略是什么?What is your branching strategy?

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“蓝鞋还是金鞋”策略The 'Blue or Gold Shoes' Strategy

他表示同意丹麦的谈判策略。He agrees with the Danish strategy.

我们有一个清晰的战略。We have a clearly defined strategy.

它的市场策略又是什么呢?And what was the marketing strategy?

多品牌战略是“陷阱”还是“馅饼”?。Is multi-brand strategy trap or pie?

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那位将军是位战略大师。That general is a master of strategy.

游戏的类型属于战略SLG。The type of the game is SLG Strategy.

但是NEA似乎对自己的战略把握十足。But NEA seems sure about its strategy.