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他是被选中的那一位。He is the Chosen One.

他本来可能会选择我的!He could have chosen ME!

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耶稣是被拣选的那一位。Jesus is the Chosen One.

你挑好了上衣没有?Have you chosen a coat yet?

我是一个被恶魔看中的孩子!I'm a child chosen by Belial.

珀琉斯选择的是凡人。The chosen mortal was Peleus.

偶尔才使用小调Occasionally, minor is chosen.

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他已经为我挑好了舞伴。He had chosen a partner for me.

你就是我郭靖选中的女婿了。You'll be my chosen son-in-law.

我希望我没选过这项工作。I wish I hadn't chosen this job.

量测以吃锡面为选择点。Solder side is chosen to measure.

我只是选了张照片。I was just chosen for the picture.

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你已经选好了儿科医师了吗?Have you chosen a pediatrician yet?

请慎重选择你的人际关系,宁缺毋滥。Relationships must be chosen wisely.

恐怕你找不到更好的了。You can scarcely have chosen better.

计算区域选择了简单的长方体。A cuboid is chosen as computing area.

亨利被选为该队的队长。Henry was chosen captain of the team.

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这样禁食,岂是我所拣选使人刻苦己心的日子吗。Is it such a fast that I have chosen?

她抽中签当我们的代表。She was chosen by lot to represent us.

您还没有选择一个加密密钥。You have not chosen an encryption key.