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每个人都得恭顺地服从这样一位向导的带领,而且回报是丰厚的。One must submit abjectly to such a guide, and the reward was great.

传来他那时时被啜泣打断的、惊慌不安的、痛得钻心的呻吟声。O! ooo! he could hear his frightened, abjectly suffering moans, broken by sobs.

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我们是个极贫穷的家庭,生活在英国一个安全并且平静的地方。We were an abjectly poor family but we lived in a safe and leafy part of England.

最近几周来,瓦格纳被指责不能处理GM的棘手问题。In recent weeks Mr Wagoner has been accused of abjectly failing to tackle GM's problems.

他的境况变得十分悲惨,即便是他的表兄弟也感到有他在家是件羞愧难当的事。His condition became so abjectly miserable that even his cousins were ashamed to own him.

那个寒冷的冬夜,你渐行渐远,而我醉的迷离,哭的惨烈。In the cold winter night, you went further and further, and I was deeply pissed and crying abjectly.

默纳舍在这患难中,呼求了上主他的天主,在他祖先的天主前,大发谦卑。In this distress, he began to appease the LORD, his God. He humbled himself abjectly before the God of his fathers.

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无数其他公司在出卖美国的国家利益的同时还在国会中卑微地为中国游说。Selling the American national interest short, countless other corporations abjectly do Beijing's lobbying in Congress.

当奥巴马2009年去哥本哈根签署气候协定时,中国领导人在破坏协定之前卑鄙地羞辱他。When Obama traveled to Copenhagen in 2009 to seal a climate pact, Chinese leaders abjectly humiliated him before sinking the deal.

民工再三认错,孩子再三哭泣,也没有用,因为班主任这一关通不过。He begged abjectly for the sake of his child who wept deploringly but in vain. They could not persuade the teacher in charge of the class.

我当时觉得特别不好意思,我向这位运用幽默话语的公司负责人道了歉,我得到了教训。I felt about one foot tall. I abjectly apologized to the owner of the company, who took it with amazingly good humor, and I learned a lesson.

我至少还写过两篇赤裸裸的有关第一夫人劳拉的马屁文章呢,而且我还打算在明年一月份之前再弄几篇出来。I have written at least two abjectly bootlicking columns about First Lady Laura Bush, and I am willing to cram in a few more before next January.

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现在我们忙碌著,如此多地悲惨地依赖于这个法西斯的野兽,来满足我们的必需品和支援货币和财政。Instead, we are now "engaged" and abjectly dependent upon this fascist beast for so many or our essentials and for the support of our currency and fiscal recklessness.