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其实就是件粉色的格子裙。In fact is a pink plaid skirt.

格子方的贴边手口袋。Welted hand pockets on plaid side.

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在盖尔语中,格呢披肩其实就是“毯子”的意思。The Gaelic plaid actually means "blanket".

再也没有比一双格纹鞋更别致的单品了。Nothing says chic like a pair of plaid shoes.

这条羊毛混纺的苏格兰格子裙我要搭配什么?。What should I put with this wool blend plaid skirt?

蓝色的格子衬衣,黄色的西裤,锃亮的黑色凉鞋。Blue plaid shirt, yellow pants, shiny black sandals.

花朵图案可以和格子混搭,貂皮也可以和牛仔布放在一起。Florals could be mixed with plaid and sable with denim.

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你认为你丈夫的那件红色方格子夹克衫怎么样。What do you really think of your husband's red plaid blazer?

概述高品质的格子织羊毛混纺外套。Imported. overview High-quality plaid woven wool blend jacket.

七分黑格子短裤卷过了膝盖,露出洁白光滑的肌肤。Seven Black Plaid Shorts over the knee, with white and smooth skin.

共产国际在这一过程中扮演了助产士和监护人的角色。The Comintern plaid a rule of "midwife and guardian" in this process.

色织格子棉布市场开始露面,但成交量几乎没有。Yarn-dyed Plaid cotton market began to turn up, but almost no turnover.

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我闭上眼,一屁股瘫在了二手彩格尼长沙发上。I collapse with my eyes closed on one of the plaid thrift store couches.

彼得·波特将一碟豆洒在帕蒂·普拉特的粉红色格呢短裤上。Peter Potter splattered a plate of peas on Patty Platt's pink plaid pants.

一个吸引我的目光第一次是在格子绿色两件之一。The one that caught my eye first was the one in the plaid green two-piece.

您可以添加格布甚至花艺咕软化的影响,如果你想。You can add plaid or even floral cushions to soften the effect if you want.

纽约时报畅销书的作者格子红粉得到她的文化上。The New York Times bestselling author of Pretty in Plaid gets her culture on.

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如Paget示范的穿法,格纹短裤配低调上衣会打造最佳效果。Pair plaid shorts with a low-key top, as Paget does here, for the best effect.

而且,这样的身高,我永远都不用担心有一天我会穿不下我心爱的格呢衬衫!It won't limit me. Besides, this way I'll never outgrow my favorite plaid short.

现在球迷们可以在那里找到了在纽约时报畅销书红粉格子。And now fans can find out where in the New York Times bestseller Pretty in Plaid.