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你会马上进行再分配,对吧?You'd redistribute in a flash, wouldn't you?

这里再转载一篇张涛之先生的文章。Redistribute the article of Zhang Tao 's Sir again here.

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通常理想的解决方案是跨多个碎片重新分布数据。It is often desirable to redistribute the data across the shards.

在使用重分发实用程序前后总是进行备份。Always take a backup before and after using the redistribute utility.

我们和我们的社区进行合作对内容进行过滤、评价和再次分发。And we team up with our communities to filter, rate and redistribute content.

假如在子宫切除手术中,卵巢也被同时摘除,那么大自然会重新把脂肪安排在腹部。If the ovaries are removed in a hysterec- tomy, nature will redistribute fat to the belly.

截骨术是一个程序是骨头被切断和调整,重新分配重量。An osteotomy is a procedure is where the bones are cut and realigned to redistribute weight.

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本博客均为模拟人生2原创自定义。未经同意请勿转载我的文件,严禁盗卖!谢谢合作!This is a blog for Sims2 original downloads. Please DO NOT redistribute my files here, Thanks!

如果有一台服务器出现错误并被禁用,其他服务器可以接管并重新分配负载。If one server experiences a fault and is disabled, the other servers can take over and redistribute the load.

以此为依据,他们主张重新分配财富,这样大家能彼此互助,实现梦想。On this basis, they justify policies to redistribute wealth so that we can cross-subsidize each other's dreams.

每周一次,名叫盖瑞的乳酪翻面男工会过来帮卡维先生把乳酪翻面,让乳酪里头的水分分布均匀。Once a week a man named Gary, Mr. Calver 's cheese-turner, comes in and turns it to redistribute the moisture within.

该党承诺要重新分配收入,在开支上加大对家庭的倾斜,减少铺张浪费,且与官僚政治做斗争。It has pledged to redistribute income, spend more on households, cut waste and wrest control of policy from bureaucrats.

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可通过本网站提供的文章工具分享内容,不过请勿从FT.com网站上剪贴文章并在email或网上传阅。You may share using our article tools. Please don't cut articles from and redistribute by email or post to the web.

钢圈、肩带等工程学构造将胸部的重量平均分布于文胸的下扒。In a bra, the wires, straps and other engineering features redistribute the weight in the bra to the band around the torso.

当摆动减少时,水域将重新分配,在未来的18年期间逐渐均衡。As the wobble is lessened, water shall redistribute and become more and more even planet-wide over the coming 18-year period.

因为我们早已经认识到这个趋势,我们可以重新分配资源来加深对于关键路径活动的关注。Because we've recognized this trend early, we can redistribute our resources to sharpen our focus on critical-path activities.

当用户非商业地分发从你那得到的二进制软件包,他们必须附上这份书面报价的拷贝。When users non-commercially redistribute the binaries they received from you, they must pass along a copy of this written offer.

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当用户以非商业方式发布了从你那里得到的程序的二进制码,他们必须同时提供一份你的这个书面承诺的副本。When users non-commercially redistribute the binaries they received from you, they must pass along a copy of this written offer.

多点控制器的主要功能之一是对来自各个与会者的视频流进行处理与转发。One of the main functions of multipoint controller is to process and redistribute the video stream coming from every participant.

一个更积极的税收计划可能帮助重新分配位于收入阶梯最上层的那些人因为贸易积累而获得的一些收入。A more progressive tax policy could help redistribute some of the gains of trade accruing to those on the top of the income scale.