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大豆是豆料作物。Soybeans are leguminous plants.

某些豆科植物的种子或荚果。Seed or pod of certain leguminous plants.

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是在大豆油的种子大豆油的豆科植物。The soya bean is the seed of the leguminous soya bean plant.

豆科植物的果实或种子,如豌豆,菜豆,等。The fruit or seed of a leguminous plant such as or or lentils.

任意一种叶子长成三个豆科植物。Any leguminous plant having leaves divided into three leaflets.

热带和亚热带的豆科的草本或灌木或乔木的小属。Small genus of tropical and subtropical leguminous herbs or shrubs or trees.

豆科植物凝集素在对根瘤菌的识别中起重要作用。The leguminous lectin played an important role in the recognition of Rhizobia.

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该融合菌株可分别在双亲寄主植物上结瘤。Fusion hybrid can inoculate in the leguminous of parental strains respectively.

又名野苜蓿、花苜蓿,具有抗逆性强等优点,是一种优良的豆科牧草种质。It is a good leguminous forage germ plasm that has advantage of strong resistance.

苜蓿是优良豆科多年生草本植物,是目前全球广泛种植的优良牧草。Alfalfa is an excellent perennial leguminous grass, which is widely planted in the world.

只要六十天的时间,这些豆类蔬菜就会长得象模象样了。As long as 60 days of the time, they will look like leguminous vegetables a decent model.

豆科植物决明子,是药食两用的食品原料。Cassia seed, the leguminous plant, is the food material which can be used as medicine and food.

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主要存在于豆科植物中,大豆异黄酮是大豆生长钟形成的一类次级代谢产物。Soybean isoflavone is a yellow brass type compound, which mainly exists in the leguminous plants.

这表明在水稻基因组中广泛存在豆科植物结瘤素基因的同源基因。This result indicated that leguminous nodulin homologous genes existed extensively in rice genome.

反映共生关系的一个好例子就是豆类植物的根瘤。One excellent example of a symbiotic relationship is found in the root nodules of leguminous plants.

对赤峰北部野生豆科牧草种质资源进行了调查研究。The wild leguminous forage germplasm resources in rangeland of north part of Chifeng were investigated.

苦参为豆科多年生落叶亚灌木植物苦参的根。Bitter ginseng is leguminous vivacious fallen leaves inferior the root that bush plant joins painstakingly.

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是世界著名的多年生优良豆科牧草之一,也是常见的庭院观赏植物。Is one of well-known leguminous forages around the world and also often used as ornamentals to decorate houses.

反映共生关系的一个好例子就是豆类植物的根瘤。Any of various structurally modified bacteria, such as those occurring on the root nodules of leguminous plants.

但是Terryn补充说,利用抗生素抗性基因在豆科植物的转基因研究中是不可避免的。But, she adds, using antibiotic resistance markers are unavoidable in research on crops such as leguminous plants.