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这次搜捕行动是哈马斯加强镇压法塔赫的一部分。The raid is part of an intensifying Hamas crackdown on Fatah.

哈马斯的竞争对手法塔赫党也不可能利用以色列提供的坦克贸然重回加沙。Nor can the rival Fatah party risk returning to Gaza courtesy of Israel’s tanks.

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周六,以色列加沙地带的枪战违反了法塔赫和哈马斯组织的休战协议。Gunbattles in Gaza on Saturday defying a truce between the Fatah and Hamas factions.

更自由的选举则是另一回事,就像阿尔及利亚的将军们和法塔赫的铁腕人物们发现的那样。Freer elections are another matter, as Algerian generals and Fatah strongmen discovered.

和解协议签署后法塔赫在加沙地带短暂飘扬的旗帜又一次被收卷。Fatah flags which briefly flew in Gaza after the reconciliation pact are again being furled.

法塔赫领导人和巴勒斯坦民族权力机构主席阿巴斯目前在西岸领导着一个比较温和的政府。Fatah militants also abducted Hamas official Mohammed Ghazal in the West Bank town of Nablus.

今天,巴勒斯坦加萨领导人哈马斯和西岸领导Fatah产生了歧义。Today, the Palestinians are split between leaders of Hamas in Gaza and Fatah in the West Bank.

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尽管停火两天,居民仍报道有法塔组织和哈马斯的交火。Residents reported exchanges of gunfire between Fatah and Hamas despite a two-day-old ceasefire.

不过,在约旦河西岸城市纳布卢斯,夜间有一名法塔赫选举工作人员被打死。Despite the pledge, a Fatah election worker was killed in the West Bank town of Nablus overnight.

他们袭击了一个和法塔赫结盟的家族的重要据点,据点内的武装人员进行还击。They attacked a stronghold of a clan aligned with the rival Fatah faction, and gunmen there returned fire.

哈马斯和法塔赫分别处于伊朗和美国的阵营,巴勒斯坦人正面临瘫痪的分裂。With Hamas inside Iran’s tent and Fatah in America’s, the Palestinians are now facing a paralysing schism.

这次内讧是自从哈马斯在一年前的内战中赶走加沙地带的法塔赫势力以来最严重的一次。The infighting is some of the most serious since Hamas routed Fatah forces in the Gaza civil war a year ago.

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为了对加沙地带的逮捕行动进行报复,法塔赫部队在约旦河西岸围捕了几十名哈马斯成员。In retaliation for the Gaza arrests, Fatah forces have rounded up dozens of Hamas activists in the West Bank.

法塔赫资深官员沙阿斯认为,这种内讧会产生反效果,而且伤害到巴勒斯坦人的利益。Senior Fatah official Nabil Shaath says the infighting is counter-productive and harms Palestinian interests.

在两年前发生在巴勒斯坦的内战中,哈马斯驱逐了美国支持的巴勒斯民族权力机构主席阿巴斯领导的法塔赫武装力量。Hamas ousted the Fatah forces of U.S.-backed Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas in a civil war two years ago.

有可能受欢迎的遭监禁的法塔赫领导人巴尔古提在未来的发展中会发挥作用。It is possible that the popular jailed Fatah leader, Marwan Barghouti, may play a role in future developments.

但是并非所有的遇难者都是哈马斯成员,其中还包括平民和法塔赫的安全官员。But not all the victims are from Hamas. Some are civilians and there are security officers who belong to Fatah.

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但是,与法塔赫讨论组成统一政府的新一轮会谈将于本月末举行。But the new around of talks with the Fatah on movement on forming a unity government due to begin later this month.

阿巴斯主席的法塔赫党要求他不要继续直接和谈,除非以色列恢复冻结令。The Fatah Party of President Abbas has urged him not to continue direct peace talks unless Israel reinstates the freeze.

但是,如果这两个派别接受这些条款青年组织者已经摆出来,阿布Yazan说,“法塔赫将失去很多。But if both factions accept the terms youth organizers have laid out, Abu Yazan says, "Fatah is going to lose a lot too."