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你太早达到了巅峰。You peaked too soon.

我的体重最高到达了100公斤。My weight peaked at almost 100 kg.

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在1886年时达到顶峰,之后就崩溃了in--it peaked in 1886 and then it crashed.

在很多人看来,大盖帽是威严的象征。Peaked caps signify royalty to many people.

股价已达到最高点,现在正开始下滑。Share has peaked and is beginning to slip back.

她紧闭美丽的双唇,竖起眉毛。She pursed her pretty lips and peaked her eyebrows.

积雪盖顶的富士山是日本的标志。The snow peaked Fujiyama is the trademark of Japan.

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据说芬里村这个小庄里有一棵“遭殃树”。The little business Parker had started soon peaked out.

利奥先生创办的小企业不久就衰落了。The little enterprise set up by Mr. Leo had peaked out.

手足口病的高峰期于六月出现,然后有下降趋势。HFMD activity peaked in June and has declined since then.

首先,他在目前这样的竞争白日化前达到巅峰。First, he peaked before the competition extra keen, like now.

拖到绘图页上,然后右击可显示尖顶或贮槽。Drag onto the page, then right-click to show peaked roof or sump.

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2004年全球结核病发病率达到高峰,达每10万人142例。Globally, rates peaked at 142 cases per 100 000 population in 2004.

尾翼时代在1959年达到了巅峰,而比亚里茨敞篷车更是巅峰中的巅峰。The fin era peaked in 1959 and the Biarritz was the peak of the peak.

这名举重选手的力气正好在比赛期间达到顶点。The weight lifter 's strength peaked just in time for the competition.

在马其赛特郡的感觉是,很多队员都有很好的状态。The feeling on Merseyside is that several players have peaked together.

该指数在2007年5月达到189的峰值,并于2008年11月跌至143.The index peaked at 189 in May 2007 and dropped to 143 in November 2008.

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对于乐观者来说,香港房价的顶峰可能已经抵达了。Despite all the hypes about Hong Kong property, it may have peaked already.

造访者数量更是在1987年达到最高峰,平均每人每年1.2次。Attendance peaked in 1987 at an average of 1. 2 visits per person each year.

白人男孩肥胖率在2005年达到高峰期而后到研究结束时下降到2001年水平。White boys peaked in 2005 and declined to 2001 levels by the end of the study.