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她害怕地在座椅上缩成一团。Frightened, she shrank down into her seat.

西格弗里德畏缩了,退避到墙根。Siegfried cringed and shrank against the wall.

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他还坐着,向火炉那边更挨近些。He kept his seat, and shrank closer to the fire.

老爹朝后退着,紧紧护着口袋里的钱。He shrank back, tightly with the money in the pocket.

当他威吓着逼近时,她躲开了他。As he moved threateningly forward she shrank from him.

东部主要由其他河流补给,湖面萎缩较明显。East of the lake clearly shrank which is fed by other rivers.

这位黑人回避直接插足政治。The blackman shrank from any direct participation in politics.

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恶棍威胁说要揍那男孩,男孩便退缩到一个角落里。The boy shrank into a corner when the bully threatened to beat him.

结果,何瑞克宁缩小变成和人的拇指一般大的微小生物。Then Arachne shrank to a little creature no larger than one's thumb.

达力看到这两个男女巫师,吓得又往妈妈跟前缩了缩。Dudley shrank nearer to his mother at the sight of the witch and wizard.

九月美元贬值促进出口,造成贸易赤字减缩Trade Deficit Probably Shrank in September as Lower Dollar Helped Exports

西班牙、意大利和英国的经济都在第三季度出现衰退。The economies of Spain, Italy and Britain all shrank in the third quarter.

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她被吓得搐缩在墙角,不停的抖动着身子。She was frightened and shrank to the corner of the wall, her body shivering.

这已使这个极为重要的冰桥在其最狭窄的位置上收缩到只剩984码了。That shrank the vital ice bridge to just 984 yards at its narrowest location.

他看着它们,突然他的心脏仿佛急剧收缩,一阵透心的寒意。He looked at them, and it seemed as if his heart shrank small and cold within him.

她无力地在岸边坐下,像只小动物般抱膝蜷缩着黯然哭泣。She sat on the bank exhaustedly, cried And shrank into herself as a little animal.

医生还没有说完,史密斯先生就缩了回去,飞一般地离开了诊室。Before the doctor finished his sentence, Mr. Smith shrank back and fled the office.

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于是小仙女扭动一下鼻子,杰西卡便缩小成和仙女一样大。The little fairy wiggled her nose and Jessica shrank to the same size as the fairy.

这个精明的托运人的话有助于我们理解他为何退缩并把责任推卸给别人。The shrewd shipper's remark shed light on why he shrank and shift duties onto others.

大型气化电厂用的配件美国许多城市都能找到,IST公司把它们的体形都给缩小。IST shrank the components of big gasification plants found in several American cities.