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把面包浸在汤中。Sop bread in soup.

这对学者而言就像是面包皮。This is like the sop to scholars.

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用拖把把撒在地上的水拖掉。Please sop up the water with a mop.

我用拖把把泼出的水擦干。I used a mop to sop up the spilled water.

不断建立和修改SOP及培训教材。Establish and revise SOP and the training materials.

你能帮我把地板上的牛奶揩净吗?Can you help me to sop up the pool of milk on the floor?

也有一些狙击兵版本,和一个特别的泡类型。There are also a few sniper versions, and a special SOP type.

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能运用QS-9000五大工具对产品从诞生至批量生产整个过程进行分析、测量与监控。The use of five tools in QS-9000 is from Born to SOP of Product.

此外,全国人大常委会委员长吴邦国会见了杨亨燮副委员长。Chairman Wu Bangguo met with Vice President Yang Hyung Sop as well.

根据说明书或SOP,进行培养基,缓冲液的配制,测试和保存。Prepare, store and test media and buffer solution following manual or SOP.

相关部门负责本规程的审核与执行。Departments involved are responsible for reviewing and implementing this SOP.

依照相关的作业文件实施测试流程。Have authority to practice the testing process according to related SOP and WI.

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配合工程部完成新设备的调试,并制定标准操作程序。Su ort the new equipment debugging with Engineering Dept, and establish the SOP.

索拉的两个博物馆是学习地区历史的好地方。With its two museums, Sop Ruak is a good place to learn about the area's history.

用百洁布清洁玻璃板,切勿让湿的百洁布触碰灯泡。Clean the glass with wipes and sop up the water with a towel, do not touch the bulb.

做红外鉴别的样品,取样时最好每桶分别检测,最多2-3桶。IR sampling SOP must be changed so only 2-3 samples are mixed to make 5gr IR sample.

工人得到的少量的增加薪水只不过是一点点息事宁人的甜头。The small pay increase that the workers have just received is only a sop to Cerberus.

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高交联淀粉溶解性能降低,而吸水性能增强。High crosslink starch nearly didn't dissolve in boiled water and could sop up more water.

抗氧化剂吸收在老化和年龄相关性疾病中起作用的自由基。Antioxidants sop up damaging free radicals that play a role in aging and age-related diseases.

此方法可以由单一光路实现对光波偏振态分时检测。The time-division measurement on SOP can be achieved through single light path by this method.