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概念根本地改变了。The concept changed fundamentally.

这是乐观主义的基本行为。It is fundamentally an act of optimism.

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为拉索达,三年是“根本错误的。”For LaSorda, three years is " fundamentally wrong."

吉姆其实并不急于娶亲成家,生儿育女。Jim wasn't fundamentally mad about a home and kids.

我从根本上不同意这个前提,我为她的履历自豪。I fundamentally disagree and I am proud of her record.

其结果便是一部基础失衡的法案。The result is a bill that is fundamentally imbalanced.

实际上是由三个迥异的连接器组成。There are really three fundamentally different linkers.

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那就进入到这个,根本性的问题,那又怎样。And that really gets into the question fundamentally so what.

可清平根本不同意,还用扫帚将合适赶走。Qingping can fundamentally disagree, also with a broom right away.

这就是我为什么把这个课程定位为,基本理论课程So that's why I view this course as fundamentally about technology.

两党均持亲北京立场。The two parties may share a fundamentally Beijing-friendly attitude.

因此,通过折现率,增长基本上就成为金融固有的一部分。So via the discount rate, growth is fundamentally built into finance.

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咨询和写作完全是两码事。Advising people and writing are fundamentally different types of work.

如此一来,那么她当初侥幸去相信易奕根本就是错误的。In this way, so she was lucky to believe Yi Yi is fundamentally wrong.

但他确实彻底真正地,相信自己必死吗?But does he thoroughly and truly and fundamentally believe he's mortal?

傻话,她的想法基本上是好的。Her idea is fundamentally sound, even if she says silly thing sometimes.

它意味着,“用根本新的活动来挑战你的大脑”。It means, “challenge your brain often with fundamentally new activities”.

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中医中药的方法是根本不同的西方从那个。The TCM approach is fundamentally different from that of Western medicine.

关于艾露恩,是一个没有物质形态的精神存在。A powerful and spiritual deity , she is fundamentally an incorporeal being.

从本质来说,中国的大革命即是土地所有权的革命。The great Chinese revolution was fundamentally about the ownership of land.