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噢,我们打了篮球、还踢了一会儿足球。Oh, we've got basketball, lunette ray ban, a mini soccer, for well.

“你没有证据。”那学生气急败坏地说。"You cann't certify that, lunette carrera! " the student sputtered.

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然而,“让人不快”的工作有一些独特特点。A miserable job, Lunette Ray Ban, about, has some accepted ancestry.

这样我们就可以在不同的方面发展自己。In this course, lunette de soleil, we can develop ourselves in another aspects.

要是有人跟他说“早上好”,他会说,这天早上不怎么样,不信就打个赌。If anyone said good morning to him, lunette carrera he would bet them that it was not a good morning.

根据调查问卷的统计结果,我国的手机用户平均每周收到至少8条垃圾短信。On average, lunette ray ban, each user receives at least 8 spam messages a week, questionnaires show.

本周,他签署了一个声明授权于一月份的总统选举。This week, lunette carrera, he subscribed a announcement authorising a presidential referendum in January.

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味道是建立一种总的印象,全部重要的是香气的吞没,酸度和身体。Flavor is the always essential melding of aroma, lunette de soleil, acidity, and body that creates an overall notion.

好比道,不论你糊口在那里,你看了查理·卓别林的初期影戏很难没有失笑。No matter where you live, you would find it difficult not to laugh at, say, lunette carrera, Charlie Chaplin's early films.

将在这一天结婚的阿琳·希克森和她的未婚夫托尼·格里格沃斯基提前两年就预订了布姆敦俱乐部酒店。Arlene Hixson and her betrothed, lunette carrera, Tony Goligowski, reserved the date at Boomtown virtually two years in advance.

在中国的太湖、巢湖跟滇池呈现藻类大面积暴发之后,水污染问题已成为一个热门话题。Water pollution has become a hot topic following huge outbreaks of algae in China's Taihu, lunette ray ban, Chaohu and Dianchi lakes.

请在经期结束最后一次使用后仔细清洗你的月事杯并储存在通风的专属袋子里。Wash the Lunette menstrual cup carefully after its last use during your period and store it, properly ventilated, in its own storage bag.

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按照国际商会仲裁划定规矩第13条最初一段之规定,仲裁员们也将斟酌相干的商业老例。The Arbitrators, lunette ray ban, in accordance with the last paragraph of Art. 13 of the ICC rules, will also take into account the relevant trade usage.

如果他们不带寒暑表,不带热水壶,不带一件雨衣的话,他们就不会去任何地方,我以前曾经就是这幅样子。I've been one of those persons who never works anywhere without a thermometer, vetement ralph lauren, a hot water decanter, lunette de soleil, and a raincoat.

员工共同策划恶作剧能够激发创造力、增强团队合作,而且还能共同分享除工作外的一次经历。When people become attach to create a prank, it encourages creativity, lunette carrera, teamwork and gives the office a shared undergo outdoor of the workload.

但是,第两天,大夫抚慰他说,出院悲度新年的可能性仍是很大的,那人听后抖擞了精力。The following day, however, lunette carrera, the doctor consoled him by telling him that his chances of being able to leave hospital in time for New Year celebrations were good.

现实上,长时间的彼此注视仅合适恋人之间,他们爱好温顺的对视,用目光来传达语言无奈表白的爱意。In fact, lunette carrera, continuous eye contact is confined to lovers only, who will enjoy looking at each other tenderly for a long time, to show affection that words cannot express.

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赫尔希博士说,此前很多研究表明肥胖与看电视有关,而且这可能是由于不活动造成的。而娱乐节目也可能是其中的一个因素。Many studies hit linked blubber to watching television and that interlock is possible due to inactivity, lunette de soleil, Hirsch said. But perhaps entertaining shows are too tributary.