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群落生境对生物群落有作用。The biotope acts on the biocoenosis.

群落生境对生物群落有作用。The biotope acts on the biocoenosis.

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生境小区的饱和对生态学家是特别有意义的。Saturation of a biotope is of special interest to the ecologist.

态鱼缸赏鱼自活环境。Biotope aquariums represent the natural environments of ornamental fish.

该生物小区将一个古老的水源净化厂改造为一个生态混合开发小区。The Biotope converts the remains of an old water purification plant in an ecological mixed use development.

对现行主要以隧道内部无缝覆盖为主要实例进行详细的分析阐述。Analysis explain with inside of tunnel with biotope room for main instance to cover with to sew is detailed.

介绍了接触氧化法在某生活小区生活污水回用工程中的应用。The article describes the application of biocontact oxidation method in domestic sewage recycleof a biotope.

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例如,这一建筑结构通过减少与地面的接触点设计而成,从而保护草甸的生存环境。For instance, the structure is made in a way to reduce the amount of points touching the protected biotope meadow.

然后对疫源地范围内姜片吸虫病流行过程的特点进行了分析,追索到生物生长区的自然条件和社会条件上去。The peculiarities of the course of infection were then analyzed with a discussion on both the natural and the social conditions of the biotope.

浮游动物大部分为热带、亚热带及近岸性种类,夹杂一些高温高盐性和上升流指标种类。The biotope for phytoplankton keeps all right. The most of zooplankton belongs in tropic, sub-tropic and nearshore species with some high temperature, hyaline and upwelling species.

本文研究了锡林河流域草原生态系统不同植被群落和生境中鼠类的生物量和营养物质现存量。This work was carried out in grassland ecosystem at Basin of SilinRiver, Inner-Mongolia, for understanding the community structure and standing crop of small rodent in different biotope.

生物生境是指保护、维护现有的动植物栖息地,恢复受到破坏的自然环境,创造新的生物生息环境。The biotope landscape refers to protecting the existing habitat for animals and plants, restoring the natural environment that was destroyed, and creating new biology environment to life.

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地理信息系统有处理海量数据的强大功能,而遥感可快速获取地面影像信息,通过对遥感图像的判读,可帮助城市生态单元信息的提取。GIS has the strong capability of processing mega-data, and RS can acquire the ground image information quickly, and interpreting the RS image helps to derive the information of urban biotope.