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用于尾纤和跳线。Tail fibers and jumper wires.

小明穿了一件红色套头衫。Xiao Ming wears a red jumper.

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这位跳高选手越过了2.40米。The jumper cleared 2.40 metres.

一天我接到个电话,一个人想跳楼自杀。One day I got a call, for a jumper.

他个子高高的,穿着一件黑色的上衣。He was tall,and wore a black jumper.

这位跳高运动员跳过了2.32米的高度.The high jumper cleared 2.32 meters.

套头衫既不长也不短。The jumper is not too long or too short.

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和过去相比,他的跳投有了质的飞跃。His jumper is way better than it used to be.

老太太认为他是个排队夹塞的人。The old woman thought he was a queue jumper.

跳远的关键技术是助跑。How does the jumper measure his approach run?

米姆把球回传给孙悦,孙悦16尺中投得手。Mihm passed back to Sun for a 16-foot jumper.

孩子的新毛衣上勾了一个洞。The child has picked a hole in his new jumper.

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孩子在新毛衣上勾了一个洞。The child has picked a hole in his new jumper.

圆塔上的跳塔者,为他工作。The jumper from the Round Tower worked for him.

他的外套是暗色的的,穿了一件羊毛套衫。His clothes were dark and he wore a woolly jumper.

那件紧身套头毛衣反更突出了他那肥胖的肚子。The tight jumper only accentuated his fat stomach.

谁有一个幸运兔或者之类的东西?Who has a lucky red jumper or something like that?

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这位跳高运动员跳过了2.32米的高度。The jumper passed through the height of 2.32 meter.

在只剩50秒的时候,你投进了一个19英尺的跳投。With 50 seconds left you nailed the 19-foot jumper.

橘黄色的套头毛衣是店里最贵的。The orange jumper is the most expensive in the store.